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Friday Fargo Favorites #1

So I've been thinking a lot lately of how very blessed I am. Don't get me wrong- I don't live in any kind of Magical LaLaLand! Brett's been gone more than he's been home this month, my 4 kids continue to be kids ;), an entire night's sleep is something that I only dream about, laundry and dishes don't magically do themselves at my house and so far as I can tell- a "money tree" does NOT exist. BUT in the midst of what real life throws at me, I am EXTREMELY blessed!!!
With this thought running through my mind AND the topic of gratitude being thrown at me from every direction lately, I decided it was time to focus a bit and record those things that I am grateful for. I have seen lots of blogs that do the "Thankful Thursday" thing but me being me, I wanted to tweek that idea and make it something all my own. Well, I finally decided that with the famous and dreaded "Winter-blues season" coming quickly that I especially need to focus on what I love and am grateful for right here in Fargo. (Not to mention- it will let me pratice my photography which I absolutely love as well.) So welcome to my...
Fargo Favorites on Fridays!
1. God
First and foremost, I know that there is an amazing Father in Heaven that loves me. He knows me. He desires that I find joy in this beautiful world & the City of Fargo that He's created. As I show my gratitude to Him, He will pour over me even more of His love. I can't wait!!! ;)
2. My kids
I have the most fabulous children ever!!!!!. They are the most good-lookin', hard-working, smart, forgiving, patient, creative and thoughtful people I have the priviledge of knowing. I am very lucky to get the chance to be their Mom. Luv ya guys! Thanks for being so fabulous this week. You are awesome!

3. The Internet
It's amazing how the whole wide world is at my fingertips even here in the middle of nowhere. It is truly amazing the good that can be done with the magnificent technology available. I am so grateful for google ;) and the creative possiblilities that it blesses me with. I am so blessed to be able to stay in contact with friends and family all over the world. I love that my thoughts and Partay life are all preserved on my blog which I can print into a book to add to our family history. The endless possibilities being connected to the world are truly amazing- Even this week while looking for gratitude things I came across an article about how Gratitude is a parent virtue. Basically it means any virtue that is worth having can be developed by practicing a little Gratitude. Here's a quote, "Want more inner peace? Work on gratitude. Want more patience? Work on gratitude. Want to be more compassionate? You get the idea."
4. Rain puddles
Heaven knows we have our share of rain puddles here in Fargo. They come in the Spring, they come in the Fall and sometimes in between. There are times they cause problems but they also can be pretty amazing and provide hours of free fun AND the chance to do a little extra laundry! Joy! Joy! LOL!

5. My Apple Tree
My poor little apple tree is on it's last leg. We only got like 6-7 apples this year. It's mainly because it's an off year but also because now half the tree is dead. It has been the yummiest thing ever! The best eating apples you could ever find. What's better than something that grows all by itself and produces amazing things?. It's also been a great climbing tree. The kids have spent hours climbing in it's branches. We are sure gonna miss it when it's gone.
So.... what are you grateful for today?

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