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Brett's Bday Vacation to Utah

Ok- It wasn't really for his Bday. It was for his sister's sealing but he sure got treated as the Bday King while he was out there! Thanks a lot guys- Now I'm out of luck how to top any of it! LOL!
He got to stay with his best friend & sister, Shauna in her new, fancy apartment. The first night there, I think it was Shauna and his parents (and possible his youngest sister) that took him to Cafe' Rio. That's one of his favorite places. Unfortunately for us, there aren't any here in ND. It has such YUMMMMY food that we go there any time we are in Utah!
The next day Brett got to attend Char & Nate's sealing at the SL Temple. Because Shauna lives dowtown- they just walked over. His parents & all 7 of his sisters got to attend. So neat! After the sealing, Shauna threw a little Partay at her community room for Char & Nate so Brett got to help setup, take down and enjoy the festivities. That evening, Shauna even took him to Chick-Fil-a. Another of Brett's favorite places. He even worked there around high school a LONG time ago. ;) See what I mean about being spoiled?
That night, Brett and Shauna went down to play games at the Rasmussens. The Rasmussens are a lot of fun to be with!
On Sunday morning, Brett & Shauna hopped over for Music & the Spoken Word at the Tabernacle. And what a day to pick. When they got there, the ushers took them to the center like 5 rows from the front. Then the announcer began by revealed that Glenn Beck, Senator Orin Hatch and the Governor were all in attendance AND sitting a few rows or people away from Shauna & Brett. Crazy, right? Well- then they announced that they were giving an award to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson came out to recieve it. Awesome! What a day to attend! Lucky ducks!
On this trip, Brett even made it up the canyon with his parents. Brett LOVES the mountains!!!! He misses them so much! A lot of the leaves had already turned or fallen but he did get some gorgeous shots. He got to enjoy the crisp mountain air with some of his favorite people.
Sunday night, he got to have Sunday dinner at parents. He had the chance to visit with his sisters and their families. He really misses them and his nieces and nephews.
Brett had a fabulous time! Thanks everyone for letting him come and spoiling him for his upcoming Bday. Thanks Char & Nate for your righteous examples. Wish we all could have been there but it was perfect timing for a little extra Bday celebrating! Glad you're back, love!

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