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Ward Christmas Pajama Party

This year our Ward Christmas Party was a Pajama Party. It was a chance to come all comfy in your jammies and eat a warm, yummy breakfast. There was sausage, and pancakes and oranges and about anything else you could imagine. We had a great turn out! So fun to spend the Holiday with such great people. 
I'm pretty sure that all of the kids came dressed in their pjs. They looked really cute! But some of the adults were party-poopers! Really... do you wear levis to bed? LOL! Some responded that it wouldn't be appropriate to wear what they wear to bed. Well, this wasn't a "Come and Be Ready to Go to Bed" Party- it was a Pajama Party. Seriously- we might need to teach a literacy class here after the new year! LOL! But...there were a few of us ladies that really went all out. Don't we look darling?
For the Program this year, Bobbi & Katie Clark sang a song they made up to Jingle Bells that included people & things from our ward. Pretty clever! Sister Olsen also sang a really pretty song while her husband played the guitar. We have some pretty talented people in our midst. Then after everyone had finished eating, the kids gathered on the stage for a story. Sissa Laasen's hubby read a modified version of the Christmas Story. In between each segment, we would all sing a Christmas Hymn. Brother Larsen ended the story with a shpill about the Wise Men. That's when Three Wise Guys from the West came in bearing gifts for all the children. All the kids got a wrapped present to open. Everyone loved their crayons and coloring books!
Our own awesome Three Wise Guys:
As tradition always has it, everyone pitched in and cleaned up all the tables and chairs for our Annual Indoor Snowball Fight courtesy of Sister Walen. She started by sitting in the middle of the gym and having everyone sing Frosty the Snowman (see in collage above). Then she ripped the lid off the box and AHHHHHH! Let the Snowball Fight begin!!!!! It's always crazy and WAY too much fun! Look out- no one is safe!!

Since the Elders joined us for the Party, there were a favorite target for this game. Even London, Lilly, Liberty and Sabrina shouted to everyone from the stage to gang up on Elder Krupa & Elder Pape. They fought hard and valiantly but not sure you'd call it a win! In their defense though, it was 2 against 50! At least they can count it for some really good exercise this week. Too funny!
Then of course, there's the joy of making alliances and attacking friends & family with large amounts of ammo. I love that the snowballs we use don't hurt at all so even the little ones can be right in the midst and enjoy the fun! What a blast!
Thanks to our Ward Family for the Memories.
It was SNOW much fun!

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