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Best Family Vacaion Ever: Memorial Day

Monday was Memorial Day. Being the Patriotic family that we are, we decided that we'd have to find something to celebrate it. We passed a Memorial in Hill City that we decided we'd make it to before the end of the day.
After some pool time and some naps (I told you it was a real VACATION for me this time. Thanks Love!), we made our way back up to Grand Rapids for a Movie and dinner. We went to Shrek Forever After. We all liked it. Even Glory sat through the whole thing.
It turns out that most of the lessons at church yesterday were about Missionary Work. The Branch Missionary Leader kept stressing that the members should sign up to feed the Missionaries so we figured we should listen. We contacted the Elders and met them for dinner. We went to a great Mexican Restaurant called El Potro. So yummy!!! Brett spoke Spanish to all the employees. They were very nice and even shared a quarter with Glory so she could get a treat out of the vending machines. It was great to visit with the Elders and to feed them. They were very grateful. The Elders always carry a special Spirit with them which I hope our kids can feel. We hope there will be people who will take care of our kids when they go on missions so it's always our pleasure to feed the Lord's servants.
We did stop by that Memorial on the way home. They had an awesome helicopter display. Unfortunately, the mosquitos were out so we walked quickly and did the Pledge of Allegiance and jumped back in the van. We are very grateful though to live in a free country and for those that have and do fight so hard to keep us that way. THANK YOU!!! We can't tell you enough.

Best Family Vacation Ever: Day of Rest

We were originally thinking we would have to drive 1 hour and 40 minutes to get to Church in Bemidji. (That's the last Branch in our Stake boundaries) but we found a little Branch in Grand Rapids which was only 25 minutes north. This was the first time I've ever been to a Branch so it was entertaining. It happened to be that most, if not all (I couldn't tell) of the Branch Presidency was gone and the Brother conducting was pretty dry-humor funny! They had combined meetings and he happened to be conducting or teaching them all. I haven't heard that much laughter and talking in meetings in a long time. Pretty funny. The material was really good though. They had no Nursery but all the kids did great. It also turned out that being the 5th Sunday they were having a Potluck so we even got lunch out of the deal. SCORE for us! They tried to recruit us to stay. We told them we actually were coming to recruit for ours and we were shown the door. (Not literally but he did joke with us about it) LOL!
We enjoyed the rest of our Sabbath day napping and watching Narnia and having a Firepit dinner. We love roasting hotdogs, BBQing corn on the cob and toasting marshmallows for Sh'mores (those are even better than your regular s'mores LOL!)  
Because of the gorgeous woods and tall trees, I thought about Jennifer Mausolf all week. Several times I was tempted to find a long red wig and run through them really fast. LOL! {Twilight fans will get what I'm saying.} I settled for a picture of me deep in the woods. LOVE ya Jen!!!

Best Family Vacation Ever: Quadna Mountain Resort

We had the most fabulous Family Vacation ever!!! ...YES, I actually said VACATION (which usually it's a family TRIP as far as the mom is concerned--- packing everything but the kitchen sink, several days of having 4 kids sleeping in weird places, lots of turning around in the car to help bored kids, having differing opinions of what the plan is, etc, etc--- Can you tell what I normally feel about family trips? but this time it was so great!!!).
BACKGROUND- In one of the first years of our marriage, we went to one of those TimeShare spills that give you a free dinner or something just for coming. Well, we got suckered in with the "good deal" they had that they only offered after we'd said no twice and ended up with a week of a timeshare in Wolfcreek Village II in Ogden Canyon, Utah. I think we've actually stayed at that resort once, if I remember right. Before we left Utah, we signed up with Interval International (a Timeshare exchange company) so we could bank our week and use it at other resorts all over the world. We've used it maybe a handful of times to send some fam on honeymoons or a trip here or there but nothing like we should be using it. Well, I finally wanted to talk Brett into selling it or giving it away BUT he thought we should start using it. I know, brilliant, huh?
So, for our trip this year, Brett found a little place in the middle of nowhere in the center of Minnesota called Quadna Mountian Resort. I have to admit, I was a little black rain cloud about the whole thing. According to the Internet, it was by nothing and had no swimming pool. AHHHH! What did he want me to do for a week with 4 kids and no pool in the middle of nothing? Well, I must repent!! It was fabulous! We made a few different plans for a couple of the days and the whole thing was so much fun! I think I took like 500 or so pictures so thank goodness for the Picasa collage thingy. Here's our Best Family Vacation Ever:

We got on the road late and stopped to help someone broken down on the highway in a construction zone out so I called and Luke, the front desk guy, (we're on first name basis here :) told us he'd leave the keys under the mat for us. Gotta love the midwest hospitality! We never even checked in until the last day when we rented a boat. (Too bad--We could have been like the invisible guests LOL!)  Turns out that we were the ONLY people staying in either the motel or mini-motel suite part. Translated that means in the two buildings by where we stayed-- it was only us! Too funny! We had a basketball hoop by our door, a firepit, picnic bench and BBQ grills in the woods across from us, a free laundry room, a bedroom with 2 queen beds, 2 bathrooms, a fold out couch and a kitchen. AWESOME! Such a hidden little treasure of a place. Check it out:
It turned out that Saturday just happened to be the 1st Annual Quadna BBQ Wars so we lucked out. Brett LOVES ribs!!!! It's his favorite meal. We got to try out the ribs and play at the private beach. Yeah for us! I even won a prize which Justice thought was very inappropriate considering it was a Vodka shirt and necklace. I wore it that night just cuz but got quite the reprimand. Too funny!
There was a great little hill that led down to the beach from the Lodge. They had a long slide that the kids loved! It took a good star-off and you had to lay almost all the way back to get some speed but it was perfect for the little ones.
We spent a far amount of time at the beach. We adopted a dog for a day. OK, not really but once again Midwest mentality sets in and someone left their dog down there during the BBQ wars. Justice played fetch with him for an hour or so. It was just perfect!
As luck would have it, it turns out that Quadna worked something out with the Townhouses on the Resort so we did get to use the pool. The kids LOVED it. We went there every day. Brett & I teased that we swam more these 7 days then we have in the last 10 years. Glory hasn't been in the water a whole lot due to not much around home to swim in and the cold last Summer so this was her first time she's got really brave and enjoyed herself. The weather was perfect and we had fun diving and jumping and sitting in the sun. We're still Vampire-white but we loved it!
Along with the water, the week was so wonderful because we almost thought we were in the Mountains. The trees were beautiful and the evenings had that crisp, cool air. There was tons of wildlife for us to enjoy. Our favorite was the tiny turtle that Liberty found just off the beach. We played with him for a long time. Also, on the beach were butterflies by the dozens. Justice enjoyed chasing them and even catching a couple. and don't forget the ducks and our dog. Lots of fun!

Saying Goodbye to Dear Friends

I'm sure it won't sink in for a while since we are leaving on vacation today for a week but we had to say farewell (used in parting with another or others, usually to express good wishes) to some of our dear friends today. They are both leaving after Memorial Day when we will be gone so today was it for us. It's hard for me cuz I've never NOT been around to monopolize my friends last couple days in Fargo. :) But easier cuz it doesn't really feel like they are leaving.
We got to have the Webers kids come play a couple times this week and then take their family out to lunch today. It was their first time at Sandy's donuts. Besides little Corbin not feeling well- the kids laughed and played and enjoyed being squirted by the Window Washer man. LOL! We also inherited the Webers fish. I know....SHOCKER... we are so NOT animal people but the kids are very excited! We'll see how long we can keep them alive. :) It's been fun to see the Weber family grow [more than double, in fact] during their time here in Fargo. Good Luck guys! We'll be praying that we won't be able to visit you in Utah in August cuz you'll have a fabulous job somewhere by then but if not- we'll have to get together. :)
Over the last few years, Savannah and Liberty have been the best of friends. Telindalee has been fabulous at making sure we get them together almost every week. Such a great family! They had a little going away party for the King kids' closest friends at the Governor's Inn Swim Park in Casselton today. Liberty had a blast! We made sure we took a pic of some of the Tree climbing crew. (This was a constant pasttime at the Seamons' home with the King kids) AND of course they needed their hundred hugs before each parting. Good Luck guys! We will so miss our weekly visits. The girls are already though to be Email pals so hopefully it will be easy to stay in touch!
We will miss you both tons!!! We sure luv ya guys!

Another One of Brett's Vacations

Brett had another vacation this week. (Ok, it was a drug training down in Texas BUT... eating out, no kids, hot tubs, and no house chores sounds like a vacation to me. LOL! I teased him so much about it that he actually started calling it his vacation by accident. Too funny!) Of course, he is SO good at taking pictures that you'll just have to believe me.
(OK- I managed to save a few of the photos so he's what we got. LOL!)
He so wanted to cross the border and do a session in the Juarez Mexico Temple but things are scary down there right now and they highly discouraged them from crossing. So, he obeyed. Imagine that- Brett obeyed the law. Way to go, Honey! Unfortunately, his bad airline luck was still on a roll from last vacation he took. This time, the airlines canceled his connecting flight AFTER he left Fargo. He was stuck in Denver forever. Then when he finally got to Texas, they had lost his bag! DANG- not again!! Sorry, love! He even had a plane break down on the way back. Wowzers! Remind me not to fly with him. LOL! Sure glad you made it back safe though. We miss you when you're gone on these long vacations without us! :)
Menawhile....While he was away, us kids came out to play. :) I took the kids to the mall for a Dino Playland trip. They had lots of fun! We, of course, had to get Pretzel Bites as well. YUMMY!
There was also a photo booth there. After reading Shelley & Treston's blog about their date, I HAD to do pics with the kids. This one was all fancy because it actualy does video and saves it to the Internet. If you want to check us out, the link is:
They turned out so cute! I just LOVE these kids! Thanks for the playdate guys!

School's Out!

Seriously!!!! Where does time fly?
Today is the last day of school for the 2009-2010 season. The two youngest and I celebrated our last day with a trip to McDees with Allison & Alex Cudney and Cooper West. We haven't had a chance to spend much time with them lately so it was extra special. The girls and I also did a little shopping for our Fam trip tomorrow and bought more plants for our garden. I'm excited for days of freedom from the time schedule of school but I am sure gonna miss my alone time with these two little ones. They are such fabulous girls!
A month or so ago, Liberty & Justice were begging to walk home from school so we worked it out with our neighbors next door for all 3 of our kids to walk home together on Thursdays. Well, even though today was their last day--they opted to walk home. It was a hot day so they are a little red. :)
Great job guys finishing out the year!
We are very proud of what fabulous students you are!!!!
AND Yeah for Summer!!!

Here's what we'll be doing a lot of this Summer if the weather's good:
(They LOVE the sprinkler under the trampoline!:)

Bloomin' Seamons: Part Two

Fargo has been rainy again this Spring so we haven't had a chance to really get our garden in until now. Brett & I also had differing opinions about the plant buying & where to plant things so that slowed the process as well. :) Gotta love marital communcication! LOL. This morning Brett left town so for our FHE activity, the kids and I got it in all the plants Brett had bought and seeds we already had.
I wasn't too sure about my Honey's idea of giving the kids each a plot of land for themselves but now that it's in, I think it will be a lot of fun! We're gonna have lots of peas plants so I can't complain! :)
Our family really does LOVE growing a garden. It's just amazing that something so small like a seed can turn into so many wonderful things! We still have a few more spots to plant things but it will be fun to see it all grow.
Here's our Bloomin's Seamons Garden Tour for the week:
The kids planting their our plot of land:
Here's the Broccoli Pots:
Lettuce & Carrots & Green Onions:
The Big Garden Corner:
Planting ButterNUT Squash:
The Strawberries:
The Pepper Corner:
The Tomatoes:
The Raspberries:
Yeah for the Garden!!!!!!

The Two Seasons of Fargo

There are only 2 seasons in Fargo.
One is WINTER, of course.
Can you guess which one we're in??????
You think it's a joke but it's NOT!! Welcome to Fargo!

Date Night with the Webers & Ironroads

Along with a few other families (the members have switched tons over the last several years due to people abandoning Fargo--- LOL:) on every other weekend, we do a Babysitting group so that Brett and I can get out on a date without paying extra for a sitter. You have to be willing to survive one night of chaos (9-12 children for 4 hours) for 2 awesome free dates. We love it!!!! And the kids really look forward to spending time with their friends. It's a WinWin situation.
Tonight, the Tuckers watched the kids for us (Thanks guys) so we could go out on a final date with the Webers and asked the Ironroads to come along. WOWzers- let's pretend I didn't actually say final--- we'll call it "last in Fargo" date. :( Brett is out of town next week, then we leave on vacation and then the Webers are leaving Fargo before we get back. Crazy! Where does time go? I remember the first time I met Ashlee. We were at Lindonwood park for a Mommy & Me Summer Playgroup. We sat and chatted on the stairs of the playground equipment and exchanged phone numbers. That was it! We've been frinds ever since. We've had our ups and downs of doing things on a consistent basis but we are sure gonna miss the Weber around here. And wish them the best of luck in their job hunt and future adventures. Luv ya guys!
OK--I gotta stop thinking about my friends that are leaving me----- so, tonight we decided to spend our date on movie and a dinner & in that order. We went to Iron Man 2 down at the Fargo Theater. I've never been there but it reminded me alot of the Murray Theater when I was growing up in Utah. It is an older building that can only show one show at a time. It can be used as a stage or a screen depending on what's going on there. It has a balcony so we decided it'd bee fun to see the movie from up there. We were right! We even sat next to each other (winkwink, Matt!) so you really knew we were there together especially because it felt like we were practically on each others laps, the chairs were so small. LOL! But, the movie was fabulous! Brett said he thought the beginning was a little slow. WHAT????? I guess that half-dressed Stark cheerleaders and Ironman jumping out of an airplane at a 100 miles an hour is just not doing it for him these days. LOL!
We spent the rest of the movie trying to find a costume that the boys could dress us girls up in but none of them were appproved. Although I TOTALLY disagree. I mean-- look at this costume!!!!! What husband doesn't think this could be fun? LOL! I think you should change your mind, Matt! Regardless, this movie is a keeper. LOVED it!!!!
After the movie, we went to dinner at Mexican Village which is  funny because we forgot Haylie doesn't like Mexican food until we had already sat down. Stinky girl-- you need to speak up!! Thank goodness for the American section of the menu. In the end, the food wasn't that great so we're thankful we had awesome company. We so enjoy our friends here in Fargo. We are very lucky to be surrounded by such fabulous people. Thanks for getting out with us. We always have a blast!
Good Luck Webers--- bring the kids over a few times this week. We will miss you so much!!!!

We LOVE the Hendricksons!!!

The Hendricksons are some of our favorite people EVER!!!! If our family turns out even a teeny weeny bit like them, we would be ecstatic. How can I even begin to explain the Hendricksons? They are the kind of people that even in a crowded room, they can make you feel like you are the most important person there! We LOVE them!! [Background info: Brett & I were talking about them tonight and ...we aren't even really sure how we got so lucky to get to know them. But, we did first meet them when Todd was serving as the Stake President here in Fargo. We instantly fell in love with their cute family. We loved being included in their holiday traditions or just hanging out with them any chance we could. My kids adore them all. I sure hope my girls will be able to meet some boys just like the Hendrickson boys when they are looking for a spouse. Too bad their youngest is at least 8 years older than my oldest. :) Bummer for us! Todd & Becky are some pretty remarkable parents to have raise just fabulous boys! Becky--Can I send Justice to live with you? Also, Victoria still has Matt's High School graduation announcement up on the wall above her light switch so we see him everyday! :) Although, unfortunately, it's been too long and she was a little shy tonight. Sorry Matt!] We did get to go visit them in their new home in Kansas last summer which was so much fun! But it's just not the same as having them here. Well, lucky for us, Garrett married this adorable lady named Saryn AND the Hendricksons are runners! With the Fargo marathon going on and the fact that we Fargo friends wanted to celebrate Garrett & Saryn-- the Kings threw a little open house for them while they are here to run the Half-marathon as a family. It was so great to see them and chat and laugh just like they never left. Matt & Nate are all grown up and buff and everything! ;) and Todd & Becky are as gorgeous as ever. Brett & Matt always have a great time chatting about school and missions and working out and guns and whatever else. They crack me up! We had planned to only stay for a short bit but ended up hanging out as long as we could. By the end, I was practically bribbing them to hang out with us tomorrow. GoKarts... basketball...Ironman 2 movie... dinner... PLEASE.. what's it gonna take??!!! LOL! Hopefully, they'll have time to squeeze us in but if not, we are very grateful for the time we did get to see them. Thanks for being such great people! Congrats Garrett & Saryn!!! May you have a blast on your new adventure together.
{and thanks to the Kings for their hospitality. You always throw a great party! We sure are gonna miss you!}


I guess Matt was tired of us girls always getting out for fun so it was only a matter of time before the guys had a "ManDate" of their own. Let's keep the "mandate" word to us ladies though. Some of the guys are a little weirded out by it! LOL! Brett went out with Matt Ironroad, Ryan Larsen, Nick Weber, Sean Brotherson and Dave Roberts to the movie Robin Hood tonight. I think they should have held out for the A Team since I'm not sure that I want to see that one but they are men and sometimes they choose not to listen to me. RUDE!!! AND since the photographical historian was not invited (me!;)- you'll just have to believe that it really did happened. LOL!

Just so you know-- there was no chance of contact of any kind (if you were worried that being on a "mandate" was gonna be weird) because they sat far enough apart to deny even going together. LOL! Oh I love you men. You crack me up!!!!

FarGo Marathan

As you know, our dear friends the Kings are leaving us soon. We are trying to savor all the opportunities to have Liberty & Savannah do things together before they leave. Well the Kings are great runners; the Seamons... not so much. LOL! But Liberty decided that she'd really like to run the 1 mile with Savannah and get a T-Shirt and a medal so, they did. [Even more amazing is that Liberty was sick last week so she hasn't had much energy and then on Friday, she stepped on a nail. She didn't walk for 3days so we weren't sure she'd even be able to walk the mile, let alone run it:] Telindalee was nice enough to take her up with them early but our whole family came to support and watch her run. They were running a little behind on the time so Brett and the kids played tag and made some new friends while we waited. We saw them start out strong and went to the finish line to see them come in. Caden was darn fast and I love the shot we got of him. He did awesome! The girls finish holding hands and pretty red in the faces. The announcer even announced their names due to the fact that Brett was cheering for them right next to him. It was fun to hear them announced over the loud speaker across the finish line. LOL! The only complaint was that they ran out of water (everyone was supposed to get a medal and a water bottle at the end of the race) just before the girls finished so they were NOT happy campers. Nonetheless, we are very proud of them! Great job you guys! Way to GOfar!

Kamey Girl

One of my cute friends, Cora Leedom, has been picking up a few hours at work lately to save some money. A few months ago she asked if I could help watch her daughter Kamey for a few hours a couple times a week. Kamey is in Nursery with me so we are great friends. Anywho, time flies when you're having fun, I guess, because our time with Kamey is over. With Summer vacation fast approaching and vacations and etc coming up, today was our last day with Kamey. She's such a sweet girl. We'll miss her. We'll definitely have to make a few playdates this Summer. Love ya girly!

Planting some Color

I've been fired from planting flowers in the front yard. It's not my fault that my green thumb only applies to a vegetable garden and even then you could probably fight me on the subject and win. Anywho- Liberty was put in charge this year. Brett gave her $30 to buy what she wanted to add a splash of color to the front flower beds. I was gone to the movies but Brett said it was quite an entertaing night with 4 children ages 1 to 9, planting flowers. LOL! Gotta love his patience. He told me later I wouldn't have handled the night well. All the blue flowers in the middle and the little ones digging holes. They are very helpful and creative so we love it!! Great job guys. It's gonna look great!

Girl's Night OUT!!!!!!

Dinner & a movie with the GIRLS was a NECESSITY tonight for me! Brett's going MIA&OFT AGAIN. (Missing in action & Out Of Town)------ Can you tell that I'm having fairness issues with 2 weeks of sick family members, broken toilets, ripped up bathrooms, rainy weather and then a hubby that's gonna kick his feet up and eat out and hot tub and have a mint left on his pillow each night for a week? LOL!! winkwink I LOVE ya Honey!!!! Don't enjoy it too much-- that's not real life Buster! [In all seriousness though- I know he'd take me with him in a heartbeat & he is the hardest worker & best looking hubby in the world. MY perfect mix of Edward & Jacob all wrapped in one PERFECT package! OH Baby!]
So off the pitypot and back to tonight. Ya gotta LOVE email! (How did I ever live without it???-- Those of you who remember my pre-RS days will find that funny! LOL) Fourteen of my girlfriends got out with me tonight. So much fun! [Twelve came to dinner, then 2 had to leave but 2 more came for the movie. Thanks for coming, Haylie & Tanya! I shoulda pulled my camera out at the movie but.... some people ran out the door as soon as it was over. ;) LOL! ahem...T girl! So glad you ladies could come though.]
We met at Olive Garden for Soup & Salad- LOVE it! And presented presents for Jen since her Bday is on Saturday. Happy Birthday lady! We luv ya!
Then made our way to the chick flick Letters to Juliet. It was a lot slower paced movie then I've seen lately (Trust me--Sherlock Holmes & The Unit are not slow paced movies) but it was really cute. True Love and Happily Ever After is always a good plot for a girl's night out.
Thanks ladies. It's always fun being with ya all!
 Anyone up for getting out tomorrow and Thursday and Friday and Saturday? LOL

Rabbit Trap

Kids come up with the darndest things. LOL! ....
First, let me mention that we are completely surrounded by families with dogs. EVERY house that touches our property has a dog. You would think that other animals would be frightened to even attempt to make it to our yard but unfortunately, this is NOT the case. It turns out to be more of a safe haven if they can make it there alive. (And having a garden- a constant source of free food- like rhubarb plants {dangit all!} & animal-loving children does not help the situation.)
Second, I forgot to mention that bunnies are another sign of Spring in Fargo. 
Well, ever since Brett pointed out that there was a tiny bunny that ran into the garage when he got home one day--- the kids have had plans to catch the stinkin' thing and keep him as a pet. [Did I mention that Brett & I are NOT pet people!?]
When Brett came home today, here's what he found when he walked through the gate:
He wasn't exactly sure of their plans for the bat at the end of the trail? The kids ensured him that it was NOT for the bunny; they were just playing a little baseball while they waited to catch him. LOL! When Brett finally stopped laughing, he did make them clean up the whole bag of carrots. Gotta love their creativity!

Signs of Spring

There are many things that show that Spring has sprung here in Fargo. First is the melted snow, of course. Then comes the flowers peeking their heads above the still stiff ground. We LOVE the Spring Flowers!!! They are so beautiful especially after a LONG winter like this one!

Next, is the Seamons' Fam Sunday walks around the block. We try to do this as every week Spring through Fall until the snow's too high or the weather's frostbite season kicks in. LOL!  In the spring, there are the most gorgeous white blossom trees about half way around the block. The smell is so YUMMY!!! We so need one of these in our yard!!!
Not a favorite but, a sign nonetheless is the RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never stops. Really! The sound of the sump pump running every ten minutes is a constant at our home every Spring. Mud puddles and Singing in the Rain---here we come!!!
Another sign of Spring around our place is the Return of the Go-Kart. Yeah!!! and even better- it's actually running this year. Thank goodness. The kids love Brett to take them for rides to the end of the block. Also, Brett and some of the kids spent a day out at the Cook's playing on the GoKart in the mud for hours!!! Gotta love the Spring rain. (or NOT!!)
Hurray that Spring has Sprung! May Summer come quickly!!! LOL!

Enough is Enough

I can not tell you how sick I am of RAINY weather, a MESSY house and SICK kids! I could scream!!!!! :) LOL!

Mother's Day Celebration

Brett & the kids made today a very special day! (like everyday- or at least almost everyday LOL!) They all did a fabulous job at letting me sleep in. Then, they made me breakfast. Liberty frosted the Cinnamon rolls and they let me have the center one. [The center cinnamon roll is a very special treat around our place] The kids were so excited to give me presents. I am way spoiled!!!! Thanks fam-- you sure know how to make me feel special.
After Church, we did some crazy cleaning to prepare for our guests while Brett & Justice made us a fabulous dinner. They made pork roast and real potatoes and gravy and green salad and fruit salad. The Kings brought green beans and bread and homemade peach jam. So YUMMY! We had the Kings and the Ironroads join us for the Mother's Day feast. Brett made sure all the "Moms" had their dinner served by their hubby on the special RED plates and the fancy tall glasses while we lady folk just visited. They even served all the kids. You men are amazing!!!! We ate and visited and the kids played downstairs and on the Wii. For dessert, Brett made a wonderful Mississippi Mud which was served by the sons. YUMMY!!! We let the Kings leave early so they could spend some Fam time together before Bryan leaves again in the morning. (They are moving at the beginning of June to Texas. Bryan's already working down there and was just visiting for the weekend. We will miss them SOO much!)
Matt & Haylie hung out for a bit of Wii and our Sunday Walk. We got to share with them the beautiful white blossom trees. We just love the Ironroads! (AND for the record, it was our Mother's Day to have them. LOL!)
It was a great Mother's Day!!!
I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Happy Mother's Day!

We wanted all the women in our lives to know how much we love and appreciate them on this special day! Thank you for your motherly influence on our little family. We love you all! Hope you had a fabulous day!

Goodbye Girlfriends: Spa Night

If there's one thing I've learned really well here during our time in Fargo- it's that things change. Not that I didn't know it before but I have come to appreciate it well. By July of this year, FIVE of our dear friends are moving on to new adventures all across the country. For most people, Fargo seems to be a stepping stone to other places so, this comes as no shock but always stings a little to lose the familiarity of those who cross your path on a weekly basis. Well, we wanted to let them know how much we would miss them so it was a perfect excuse for a Partay!! (I've been out of the Partay planning for quite a while. I'm sure people were thinking something was wrong with me. LOL!)
Haylie came up with the idea that we should do a "Pamper Your Friend Night" hence the Girl's Spa Night was born. Jen M. offered her home and it was SO much fun! (thanks lady- even with the craziness of broken pipes you are an awesome host. Luv ya!)
We prepared for the Partay by asking all of the departing ladies their favorite foods & desserts. Then we went to work finding people to bring a fabulous dinner made of the suggested items. Too yummy! We had plans to have a fancy candlelight dinner outside but "Forks" weather is still invading our lives (Dang you KBro & Jen M.- LOL!!) and things changed. We ended up just having dinner more casual but it was still so delicious!
Jen had set the mood for the night by lighting candles all over her house and I brought white lights as well. So relaxing and beautiful. :) Plus she supplied Drinking & Drugs in the Kitchen for those who needed extra help relaxing. LOL! Just Kidding, of course, but there was some disguised "Dew" & Jen is known for her Medicine cupboard if you ever have any pain. We just LOVE our Pee Drinking Nurse friend!!! (Can you tell how I really feel about Mountain Dew?)
After stuffing ourselves full (I'm sure that's what they do at real spas, right?), we got out all the "Spa" stuff (everyone just brought stuff to supplement what I had in the "basement"- LOL! an inside joke!) and we went to work. I tried really hard to let it just go as it went but you know me... (Is Control Freak a diagnosisable condition?) [LOL!! Diagnosisable is SO NOT a word! LOL!!] We did however, thanks to my condition, make sure that all the Guests of Honor got a massage or pedicure or manicure or a combination of such. And most of us got a little pampering ourselves. I just LOVE the ladies here! It was fun to to see everyone take care of each other and laugh and visit and eat more food, of course. And I still got send home with so many leftovers--- how does that happen? We only had one incident where Jen Neuteboom got a little out of hand but we got her under control by physical restraint. {LOL- Luv ya Sunshine!}
We finished the evening with ParTaying gifts---it's not a Shay ParTay without them, ya know! We gave them all a bag of things to pamper themselves with: loofas, massagers, lotion, candles, bath beads, manicure kits, and music (Thanks Amber!) all in the matching colors for the night. LOL! I even made these cute cards for everyone to sign for all the ladies. I just crack myself up with my poetic talent. LOL! (The truth is sometimes what makes things so funny! like the Fargo weather- Argh!) But I thought they turned out so cute and they even match the invites. Love it!!! Thanks to all the ladies that made the night a success. You are all amazing!
To my dear friends--Ashlee Weber, Telindalee King, Elise Adams, Heather Swanson and Maren Sharland-- may your next adventure be even more fabulous than this one. We hope you know how much we love ya and we''ll miss you tons!