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Fall into Fitness

The Elementary put on a Partay tonight! It was called "Fall into Fitness". They have been crazy health freaks this year and so it fit right along with their yearly theme. (The kids are no longer allowed to bring treats to school. Not even for their birthdays. They have a once a month Bday party with Principal Slette for those who had birthdays that month. "It's about the fun not food!" (Kinda lame but whacha do, right?) I understand that the polls say that the nation is getting a bit out of control on weight stuff but parents need to step it up a bit and stop turning all the parenting jobs to the school system. Be responsible and get you kids some exercise and help them eat as healthy as they can but allow a bit of sweetness in their lives as well. ;)
O.K.... off the soap box & back to the fun!!!! LOL!
Along with the PTA's help, the school threw a really fun night. They had tons of businesses from the community come (any that had a tie to healthy living) and participate in a Fitness carnival. There was WF Fitness Center (our friends own it- Yeah for the Lepirds!), American Gold Gymnastics, the Police Department, a crazy kick-boxing Postive Motion guy, Apex Therapy, Halftime by Sheri dance, Northwest Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Courts Plus, YMCA, MSUM Swim School, Fargo Force Hockey, Sam's Club, Subway, and tons more. They had hands-on demonstrations, games with prizes, door prizes and a Subway sack lunch for dinner. The kids had a blast!! Even the mascot came and signed autographed pictures of him doing healthy exercises [sporty things-baseball, hockey, basketball, etc]. After she warmed up a bit, Glory loved him!!!
Here's some of the fun we had!
Fitness Games & Prizes:
Hands-on Demonstrations:
Dinner & Hanging out with Friends:
Meeting Mascots:

"Wiley the Wildcat leaves PAWSitive prints. Do your part to be respectful, be responsible, be safe and be healthy!"

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