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ByeBye to the Babcocks

There are a couple things for certain here in Fargo.
One is that the people here are amazing!
Second is that for the most part- Fargo is transitional.
People come, people go. It's a way of life.
Well, some of our dear friends are moving West. Ray got a new job and his family want to go with him. What?.... LOL! Just kidding! We will sure miss them!  We had them over for a last supper before they hit the road. It was fun to reminisce about our time here together. Sledding, nursery time,  sunday school lessons, early morning basketball, family dinners, home-made scones, great friends!
Thanks for the memories and the Pop-up. The check's in the mail! ;) Good luck in your new adventure. We love you guys!

Following HIS Plan

"Our life didn’t begin at birth and won’t end at death. Because God cares about us, we don’t need to wander through life, wondering where we came from, who we are, and what we should be working toward.
Instead, our lives can have direction because Heavenly Father created a plan we can follow to return to live with Him. It’s called the plan of salvation or the plan of happiness, and it’s like a map charting our course.
If we follow God’s direction, we’ll make it to our destination. Those who follow this plan are promised “immortality and eternal life,” or unending happiness with God and our families in heaven. This is what God wants for all of us.
God’s plan for us is simple to understand, but it takes a lifetime to follow. Following the plan of happiness is easier when we do the simple things, like reading the scriptures, going to church, praying, and serving as Jesus served. Following God’s plan takes faith and work, but it is worth it now and will be in eternity."
Part of following God's plan is being baptized (like Jesus Christ was) into His Church. Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have been teaching the Matos Family the Gospel and they recently decided to be baptized. We are so excited for them and their desire to follow their Savior! It's not often you get the opportunity to see an entire family be baptized on the same day. It was really special!
The Matos family with Elder Krupa right before their baptism
Brett and I were asked to speak at their Baptismal service. It was neat to be able to study and prepare a few things to say to them about Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. A great reminder of the promises and gifts we received when we were baptized. After their baptisms, they invited everyone over to their home for dinner. They sure know how to host! Always lots and lots of yummy food! ;) Thanks for letting us share in your special day! We love you guys!

Upgraded Movie Night & Dance Party

We recently attempted to catch up a bit on the Technological World we have been left behind in. We finally upgraded from a 0.3 to a 20 Mbit/sec for our Internet. No mistake! That IS a point before the 3! I know- we were soooo slow- it's embarrasing! We also traded in our half-way broken (a blank screen and broken battery) portable DVD player hooked up to our TV for a BuRay Player. Fancy Smanzy! We even signed up for Netflix and got all kinds of fancy new stuff with the all-in-one surround sound system! We are so cool! ;) [LOL- You better be laughing with us NOT at us cuz you know- It's not nice to laugh at people!]
So with all this new stuff, we had the Larsen girls over for an upgraded Friday Movie Night! We watched a funny little show, FishTale instantly on Netflix. Pretty goofy but amazing that it took like 10 seconds to load! After the show, we played with another fancy feature of our BluRay- Pandora. So neat! Just type in any musical Arist and create a Station. Then it finds similar music and you have an instant Dance Partay without paying for the DJ. The "High School Musical" Station was a huge hit!!!!
See all the fun us Cave Men have been missing!? ;)

Fargo Favorites #18

This week is dedicated to all the things that got me out of bed and/or the house this week:
[OR would have if sickness hadn't hit again! Dang it all!]
1. 20 Degree Weather
FINALLY, we got a tiny bit of a break from the bitter cold! It's like jacket-weather again! (OK- not really but sure feels like it after negative double digits for weeks on end. We'll see how long it lasts!
2. The Ironroads
Matt & Haylie know how much I LOOOOVE Fargo in January so they have been keeping an eye on me. Haylie got me out for a bit of Maternity shopping (Her NOT me, people!) where I found tons of fun valentine decor. I'm so excited- Valentines means Winter blues are almost over!!!! And they also had us get together for FHE with some fabulous food! Thanks guys! We love you! (even if you're not on the last Blog Book cover- that just means we need the camera out more And Matt needs to learn to smile! LOL)
3. Dakota Boys Ranch
Back in Utah, we had Deseret Industries aka the DI. Here in Fargo, we have the Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch Thrift Store. Perfect place to spend a little and get A LOT! Well, if you're willing to spend a bit of time to find what's good and what you want (or didn't even know you wanted LOL) I got to a couple of them this past week on different occasions with KBro and Haylie. Man! I might have went a little bit overboard- Oops! But I redid some of my wardrobe including some fabulous new Sunday clothes. And scored with the Valentine decorations. I am so set {And I don't want to hear that I already had enough to begin with!} And I didn't pay more than $5 for an item- mostly $3! I'm so pumped! It's like I always tell my dear hubby! "I'm saving us right into poverty!" Way to go, Shay! LOL!
4. Mommy & Me Playgroup
Our little Mommy & Me Playgroup has been a Fargo stable for 5 years now. Once a week- normally Wednesday- the kids & I get out of the house and join our friends for some playtime and an always fabulous Potluck lunch. This Winter it has been my saving grace! Even if it's only Me & KBro most weeks! (KTuck deserves a plug here as well- Although it feels like we haven't seen each other FOREVER!)

5. Preschool
Last but not least is our little co-op Preschool. It's down to only KTuck, KBro and me but it is so worth it! We each take a Friday and present a letter and a number & feed the kids a bit of lunch. The other 2 ladies get THREE whole hours of freedom to do whatever we want! LOVE it! The kids play so well together and are the easiest kids ever! It's the best!

January Oasis

I know...Two words not normally associated with one another. But in this case, the definition of oasis works perfectly. :Something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc. The "something" being an extra Relief Society Meeting on Nutrition, Beating the Winter Blues and Yoga. The "usual, annoying, difficult, etc." part being the freakin' COLD, some bad Winter Blues and NO energy from staying in bed all day (a bit of an oxymoron of its own, I know).
I went to the RS Meeting kicking and screaming- well not really because that would require energy but- I decided to go even though I really felt crawling back into bed sounded much nicer. Soooo glad I dragged my butt out of my PJs and went! They had a lite meal and I got to sit and visit with some of my good friends. A good laugh or two can always help a bad attitude! Then, they had 3 guest speakers.
The first talked about Nutrition and Good Mood Foods. I'd never really thought about the fact that eating certain foods could lift your spirits. Dang! Who knew?  
Next, we had someone talk about S.A.D. (Seasonal affective disorder)- commonly know as the Winter Blues- what it is, the symptoms, the treatments, etc. She had lots of great info. Some of which I feel I have really struggled with this January. Like:
* difficulty waking up in the morning
* tendency to oversleep
* a lack of energy
* difficulty concentrating on completing tasks
* withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities.
"...All of this leads to the depression, pessimistic feelings of hopelessness, and lack of pleasure."
Crap! Well, the first step is admitting it, right? She sparked my interest in finding out more about it so I finally bought a book and a SAD light for therapy. They should be in the mail soon. We'll see if it can help me.

Lastly but not the least by any means, they had a Yoga teacher come. It was so much fun!!! I love the music, the stretching, the poses, the quietness, the balance! I am going to buy me a yoga mat for sure AND I so need to find a Yoga class. Want to join me? LOL!
Well, when you think your all alone and no one understands---thank goodness for my Relief Society Sisters and the January Oasis they provide for a bahuber like me! ;) Here's hoping that I can restore a bit of balance back into my life. Thanks for the kick in the butt, ladies!

Back in Time

They had a Rock-n-Roll 50's day at the kids' school today. Justice is home sick (again!) but Liberty looked Neat-o! (A real bonafide Sock Hop Beauty!)
Peachy-keen Princess! ;)

Fargo Favorites #17

A Fargo Winter-Blues version of:
1. My Pillow
I am aware that it's not necessarily a good thing in a Fargo January to LOVE your pillow but nonetheless- I am in love with it! It's a package deal with my 2-sided memory foam pillow, my king-sized bed and a warm blanket. I'm trying to figure out how to break my infatuation but Wowzers! With Negative 3 as a high without the windchill-  I'm finding it hard to think of anything so appealing! LOL!

2. Church
Due to a combined holiday Sacrament Meeting, then bad weather, and then family sickness- I had not been to all 3 hours of Church in 3 weeks. That is a very LONG time! I missed the uplift, the friends and the Spirit. Thanks goodness I made it back this week.

3. Sunshine, Blessed Sunshine
Sometimes, the Fargo winter sky is really depressing! Cloud cover as thick as the snow piles in my front yard makes seeing the sunshine well... impossible! But yesterday (although my pillow infatuation won most of the day) I was blinded by the radiant sunshine pouring over our little town. Thanks to a Heavenly Father who knew I really needed that this week!

4. Good babies
I know they aren't babies anymore (and this is a really old picture). But HolyMoly- they are such fantastic kids! They play so well together, are willing to help around the house whenever I need them and are just enough of a couple couch potatoes to survive a Fargo Winter and their mother!

5. KBro
A great big hug to my favorite KBro- for talking, understanding and suffering through a bit of Fargo Winter Blues with me! Thanks for giving me reasons to get out of bed and for being such a great friend! Luv ya lady!

6. Change
One thing that you can always count on is CHANGE, right?!
Well it has a double meaning here this week because for 
1. I usually only do 5 things but no one said it has to be that way. And I am in charge here so- you get 6 this week! Ha!
and 2. Nothing ever stays the same forever. Thank goodness! A couple more weeks and mean Mother Nature may lift her freeze and maybe my spirits. Here's to hoping!

[Disclaimer: This post WILL be funny I'm sure in a month or two so you can come back then and have a good laugh with me. I'll make T-shirts that say "I Survived a Fargo Winter!" for anyone who wants one!]

You know it's "Fargo" cold when....

My friend, Kara had this on her blog. Oh my gosh! So true! LOL!

Top 10 ways you know when it is "Fargo" COLD.
10. Snow crunches when you walk or drive on it. (It's like scratching a chalkboard, people!)
9. The temperature is described as bitterly cold. (understatement of the year)
8. The bottoms of your shoes are hard because they are frozen.
7. Everyone (including the young testosterone-filled males) is dressed like Eskimos including coats, hats, scarfs, boots and gloves.
6. It is considered too cold for the children to go outside for recess. {For the record- school policy in Fargo is they will go out until it is Negative 15 degrees outside}
5. As the car warms up (IF it even starts without plugging it in for the night) you hear metal clunking sounds from the metal thawing.
4. You get raccoon eyes when coming inside because the ice on your eyelashes is melting.
3. Your hair breaks off when you brush it out of your face because it is frozen solid.
2. You see a man who normally has no facial hair with a white mustache made of  icicles while he is shoveling the sidewalk.
1. You realize that your breath is causing icicles to form on your eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the little hairs on your face and the zipper on the front of your coat is frozen from your breath (not to mention frozen nose hairs-- those are NOT fun!)
Welcome to Fargo!
{I just picked up the kids from school and have a few to add- LOL! :
*Those who step outside when the wind blows all feel as if they are having an asthma attack.
*You get frostbite on your fingers (even with gloves on) just from unlocking your car.
*You have to stick the front of your car halfway in the road just to see around the snow bank at the end of your driveway or the next road.
*Driving down a neighborhood street feels like being on a roller coaster. (even after the snowplow has been down it several times)

Scout Preview

Justice got the chance to check out what it will be like when he turns eight this April and joins the Scouts. He LOVED it!
They had a parent meeting beforehand and then let the boys join in on the Troop activity. They made Pop Can Bugs. The whole group only made two of them. But Justice and Karl (being visitors) got lucky enough to take them home. It has a batteries and a working switch. You turn it on and it buzzes across the floor. Pretty awesome!
Also, at school Justice made a poster All About Justice! It was fun to see what he thinks about and what he likes. Obviously, Brett is a pretty amazing Dad and person. Justice has a great person to look up to.
Luv ya Buddy!

Day Off with a Windchill

With the Holiday today, the kids and Brett got the day off.
We just bought some new snow tubes. So, with the temps finally close to 20 degrees we decided to take them out for a test run. Well, with windchill... it was more like -10 (Dangit!) especially at the top of the sled hill. We did however get quite a few runs in before we were completely frozen.
And by the way....the new tubes are awesome!

Happy Birthday Boys!

Ryan and Jamison both have birthdays this month. Happy BDay boys! Hope all your dreams come true this year! ;) McKenzie & Heidi decided to throw a joint Partay for them tonight. It seems like forever since we've all got together and it was great to get out of the house for a bit. Food at the Larsens is always fabulous!!!! So good! Seriously- we've been eating "sick" food for weeks. I was in heaven tonight!
After dinner, we played a couple of fun partay games. First-- we played a very violent and abusive but tons of FUN round or two of "The Wind is Blowing..." Too funny! It was comical and some pretty good exercise, to say the least. I seriously have a very large bruise on my right arm. Ouch! Thanks a lot, Kenzie! ;0) Also- I'm pretty sure that Dave has a few of his own. Sorry 'bout, man but you WERE trying to take my seat!! LOL. We learned lots about conserving water and things we didn't want to know about the Bishopric. LOL!
Next, we played the Newlywed game. Oh so funny and.... not so funny! ;) Oh the joys of men and women and their ideas. Some things we think of our spouse are better left unsaid. LOL! Good things we were among friends!
Thanks gals & guys for fun memories and
getting us out of the house!
{Disclaimer: January Fargo Winter Blues has hit me hard so I didn't take my camera so there's no physical proof (besides a few bruises) of what gorgeous people we hung out with or how hilarious the games were but trust me- we had a grand time}

Rock Wall @ the Y

Brett & Ryan took the older kids to the Y today for a little RockWall fun!
At first, timidness got the best of all of them until bribery was introduced. LOL! Ryan said there was ice cream for anyone who made it to the top and rang the bell.
That was IT! Everyone got a Wendy's Frosty afterwards!
Way to go you guys!
You're awesome!

Chapter 3 of this Story

I got Volume 3 of my "Our Partay Called Life" Blog Book back. I'm so excited! I had a promo code so I got a smokin' deal. I LOVE it! I basically scrapbooked 6 months of our life in a 198 page hard-bound book with 1200 pictures for $0.28 a page. AWESOME! Thanks BLURB. You are the best!

Time Out for Women is coming to MN in April- Wanna Come?

A Huge Shoutout to all my lady friends!
(not that I don't luv our guy friends but sorry! you're NOT invited ;)
TOFW has become one of my favorite traditions with my Fargo girlfriends. And it's coming to Minneapolis again in April. I am SO going! Want to join me?

Here's a little info on what it's all about:
"No doubt there are days when your clear perspective about life dims a little and you long for someone to remind you why you’re here and who you are.
It is our hope that during this [weekend] filled with messages of inspiration from respected authors and music artists [from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints], you will learn, you will laugh, and your spirits and sights will be lifted. It is Deseret Book’s great pleasure to invite you to catch your breath, take a break from daily pressures, “huddle” with your sisters and friends, and feel rejuvenated for the days ahead." -Sheri Dew
Time Out for Women 2011 Minneapolis

Friday, April 8, 2011
6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
9:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
@ Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 Second Avenue South

Here's the amazing presenters coming to the MN event:
Jenny Oaks Baker
Master of Music, Juilliard; former first violinist, National Symphony Orchestra; albums include Then Sings My Soul
Musical Presentation
Jason F. Wright
New York Times bestselling author, including Christmas Jars and The Wednesday Letters
Line Upon Line
Dean Hughes
Best-selling author, Children of the Promise and Hearts of the Children series
What Did You Just Say?
Mercy River
Three former soloists in the Jenny Phillips choir; each has recorded on multiple inspirational albums; albums include Mercy River and a second album that will release this spring
Musical Presentation
Brad Wilcox
Ph.D., University of Wyoming; associate professor, BYU; former president, Chile Santiago East Mission; author, The Continuous Atonement
The Miracle of Redemption
Emily Watts
Senior editor, Deseret Book Company; mother of five; author, I Hate It When Exercise Is the Answer
Habitually Happy To Be The Mom
Merrilee Boyack
Law degree, Santa Clara Law School; professional life coach; author, In Trying Times, Just Keep Trying
Blaze Your Own Trail
Emily Freeman
Author, 21 Days Closer to Christ and The Promise of Enough
Becoming His
Amanda Dickson
Morning show co-host, KSL News radio (Salt Lake City); author, Change It Up
No Woman Is An Island

Need more: Check out the TOFW blog with info about the Minneapolis event:
Call me if your interested in attending
with a group or have any questions!
It will be a blast!

Also- If you want to know what it was like last time we went check out these posts:

Fargo Favorites #16

It's been a VERY LONG week and I know...
Play me a tune, right?
But this week has also made me very grateful for a couple funny things!
1. Barf Buckets
Gross, I know but this week I LOVE barf buckets! That is... as long as the barfer makes it in it! If they do- life is grand! ;)
2. Health
Sometimes I take for granted how my little family is so lucky when it comes to our health. After this week, I'm even more so. How grateful I am for that!
3. Walmart
When you've had a week or two like I've had- a store that is close and has everything is a girl's new best friend! Nuff said!
4. Hollywood
When life isn't the adventure you'd hoped for... I'm grateful that Hollywood provides. LOL! Lately, Brett & I have been movie freaks. Literally!!!! Like 2am nights and more episodes of Chuck than we can count!  But we've found our new favorite show- lots of adventure, danger, excitement, love and a whole lotta Chuck! (2 Seasons, 10 disks, 1590 minutes all in 9 days! I told ya- FREAKS!)
(Along with tons of other movies to drown our sickness in! ex. Knight & Day twice, The A Team, Human Target, Burn Notice, Bounty Hunter, ever single Dora adventure, 17 again, Avatar- just to name a few)
5. Minnesota Border
I love that the next state is so close. It just seems like so much fun coming from a Raised-in-the-middle-of-the-State, hardly-ever-gone-anywhere kind of girl to cross the border in 15 minutes. Not that Moorhead is a HOT Destination but guess I'm easily amused!
So... What funny things are you Grateful for?

Life As We Know It

Life as we know it lately can be wrapped up into 4 small phrases....
1. Winter Blues due to severe, freezin' cold, snow storms
2. Ibuprofen & barf bags
3. A fun list of Synonyms --confined, enclosed, limited, restricted, housebound, shut-in
4. Stir-Crazzzzy! (definition: Slang anxious, tense, etc. from long, close confinement, as in prison.)
Sounds like quite a few ParTay crashers to me!

Well, it looks like the worst is FINALLY over but
Needless to say....MAJOR INTERVENTION NEEDED for this Momma!!!!!!
What better medicine than a GNO with some awesome friends?
Tonight, I got to get out for a bit for a little DQ and a good Chick Flick. Just what I needed! Thanks Brett for letting me out & getting the kids out to play as well. You're awesome!

Trying to get as far away from my prison as possible- Haylie, D, KTuck, KBro, Ellen and I met in a different State for dinner. Technically it's only 15 minutes away but at least I can say I left ND. ;) [Important GNO NOTE to Amber: No Olive Garden! Can you believe it? Are you proud of us for branching out of our normality?] Good food... but some IF-y conversation. LOL! Prego conversation is always fun for those who are 18 or husband-less at the moment. Sorry to D & Ellen- We still luv you even if you choose to never come back! LOL

Then Bobbi & McKenzie came and we joined Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel- hot!) for a good laugh at what being a parent is really about! Good laughs, that's for sure! But once again... not the best show for those 18, husband-less, kid-less or pregnant for the 1st time. LOL! Dang!- We really aren't trying to drive friends away or scare people to death. Sorry ladies! But for me... it was FUNNNNNNNY!
Basically it's all about-
But it was also about....
What a great night, awesome friends 
and a good reminder of the Seamons' motto:
"If you can laugh at it... You can live with it"
Well, here's (clinkclink) to finding a few things
to laugh about with family! LOL!
Good luck! Toodles!

ParTay Train Derailed (STILL)

Sickness has boarded this ParTay Train and derailed it completely! Casualties are bad. (OK- not really but it's lingering so it feels like it)  The Conductor is ready to jump ship but the crew needs her so- back to the train wreck we call FLU! ;)
UPDATE- It's Bad AND Lingering! Who can say 2 am, 4 am, 5:20 am, 7 am, 8 am- and not with just one person? No wonder they only show you the train wreck on movies and not the cleanup- It sucks! I'm starting to think we'll never get this train back on the tracks. (I know-BooHoo, whinner girl!)

Fargo Favorites #15

At first glance, this post may not seem like a "Favorites" kind of thing to most sane people. LOL! But even though the COLD of Fargo is.... what's the best word?.... Notorious?  It is something we will always remember and cherish when our time in Fargo is but a warm memory. ;0) So my....
this week is all about the SNOW!  
(The SNOW joins us here sometime in Oct/November and it's here to stay until Mar/April. I mean... it really NEVER leaves until the Spring. No melting and getting new stuff- It just keeps piling up! What can I say- it's a big part of Fargo life!) Here's just some of the things you see and do in the Winter here in Fargo:
1. The Snow Labyrinth
Seriously- the walkways are phenomenal here during the Winter. It looks like the city is one humongous labyrinth. That is if everyone keeps up on their walks. ;)
2. Snowy Rooftops
Lots happens on the rooftops during a Fargo Winter. Besides the 6 extra inches the snow adds to the height of your home, there is also other amazing things going on above. 
We've also got Icicles the size of Glory:
And here's what we call the Icing on the Cake:
3a. Snow Drifts
Most of this pile has occurred because the wind blew it there between the fence and the 2 houses. Some can get taller than a grown man. Crazy but fun to climb on though!
3b. Snow Piles
Similar to snowdrifts because the snow is blown there BUT not by the wind --- with a heavy-duty snow blower. These houses are in the next neighborhood. That is a full size pickup in the driveway! I also love the snow covered evergreens. There are so pretty!
It's a nightmare for the mailmen, I'm sure!
4. Light @ Night-
When there's lots of snow here (when is there not, right?)- on some nights there seems to be Nightly Glow. It's a bit eery but pretty gorgeous when it looks like this at 2 am. (This is with no flash- crazy, huh?)
5. Kid Fun
Fargo really is a Winter Wonderland for kids and the young @ heart! Whatever you can dream of-there is!
Eskimo Play
Outdoor & Indoor Ice Skating Rinks


Occasionally- a snowman!
So... What are you Grateful
for in the SNOW?

Fiesta de Brothersons

La mamá y papá de Sean están en la ciudad. Así, tuvimos una FIESTA divertida en la casa de los Brothersons esta noche. Comimos enchiladas deliciosas y burritos yummmy de Matt. Toda la comida fue excelente! Siempre es divertido estar con ellos! ¡Viva la Fiesta! Incluso he intentado mi suerte en algunos postres Fiesta. Hice dos tipos de arroz con leche y algunas delicioso flan. Decían que fue el flan mejor que alguna vez ha tenido! Incluso hice sopaipillas caseras (tortillas al horno canela). Ellos fueron un éxito grande con los niños y adultos. Delicioso!
También hicimos un poco de baile en la Wii- Just Dance 2. Fue muy divertido y tan cómico! Casi todo el mundo participaron. Hasta tenemos a Matt a hacer un baile con Brett. Viva las Vegas, bebé! Muchos de los buenos movimientos y personas impresionante!
Gracias amigos por habernos más a su casa. Los amamos chicos! Gracias por la Fiesta! Hasta el año que viene ...
Translation: Sean's Mom & Dad are in town. So, we had a fun FIESTA at the Brotherson's home tonight. We ate delicious enchiladas and Matt's YUMMMY burritos. All the food was excellent! It's always fun to be with them! Hurray for the Fiesta! I even tried my luck at some Fiesta desserts. I made two kinds of arroz con leche and some yummy flan. They said it was the best Flan they had ever had! I even made homemade Sopaipillas (baked cinnamon tortilla chips). They were a big success with the kids and adults. Yummmy!
We also did a little dancing on the Wii- Just Dance 2. It was lots of fun and hilarious! Almost everyone participated. We even got Matt to do a dance with Brett. Viva las Vegas, baby! Lots of good moves and awesome people!
Thanks, friends for having us over to your home. We luv you guys! Thanks for the Fiesta! Until next year...