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Crazy Camping Papa

Brett has been wanting to take the kids camping one more time before the weather got too cold. Well-  a little too late for the coldness factor but they went camping nonetheless. Brett got off a bit early from donating blood and packed the older 3 kids up. Victoria surprised us that she wanted to brave the adventure.They ended up heading out to Brewer Lake for the night. They made yummy and a bit crisp (oops!) Hobo dinners and did marshmallows by the campfire. The pesty mosquitos were out by the swarms until the temps dropped too low for them to fly. (Oh-that's comforting for a Mother to know! LOL!) Victoria spent a majority of the time in the Burb warming herself up but she did say she was glad she went. After a gorgeous sunset, they got all suggled up tight in the tent with the Buddy Heater. It worked awesome until it ran out about 2 AM at which time Brett woke up and spent the night listening to the coyotes howl. (Another comforting Mother moment;)
They did survive the cold night alive! In the morning, they packed up camp and did some Go-Kart driving. Great-- teach the 9 year old to drive! Thanks, Love-That's helpful!! LOL! She did love it though. They also did a bit of fishing. They only caught ONE and let him go but they do LOVE fishing! Well- at least Victoria and Justice do. If it wasn't for the cold- they could have done it for hours.
Thanks, Honey for making memories with the kids. They love being with you even in the artic temps!

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