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Friday Fargo Favorites #5

1. Geese Flying North
One thing that always makes me giggle in the Fall here in Fargo is to see a huge flock of geese fly NORTH! Aren't they supposed to be headed in the opposite direction? Brett thinks I'm totally wrong- but I swear I always see 2-3 flocks heading "home" to Canada in the Fall. Maybe they left something behind and have to go back to get it? LOL! I think they are big, beautiful birds! But... you definitely know the weather here gets bad in the Winter when the geese fly NORTH! (Maybe I should take a hint, right?;)
2. Albino Buffalo
Albino buffalo are very rare and regarded sacred by many Native American (look at me being politically correct to the Indians ;) tribes. Well- Jamestown, North Dakota not only has one but THREE at their National Buffalo Museum ( Every time we head for Bismarck, we try and spot them off the highway. Sometimes we get really lucky and they are all visible! They are ugly as all get out but HUGE and majestic in their own way. The oldest is named White Cloud which holds a special place in my heart because of how much I LOVE clouds here in the Midwest. Only in North Daa-kO-ta! (that's with my NDakotian accent- don't cha know)
3. Colder Weather- Death to the Mosquito
One thing we always look forward to in the Fall is when the weather turns cold enough to kill off the stinkin' mosquitoes. Mosquitoes here are vicious and big and never die (until it really freezes)! I always tease Brett that he needs to be meaner and tougher like me because whenever we go for walks together, they swarm around him and leave me completely alone. (Not even kidding... one time I walked behind him spraying him with bug spray while he swatted around his head like a crazy man. They didn't even touch me) A couple times a year, the City will spray for them. Sometimes they come by truck but mostly they come by plane. They fly so low that it sounds like a plane is going to crash through your roof. Gotta love Fargo!
4. Bismarck Temple
Growing up in Utah, I took Temples for granted. Afterall, from my front porch, I could get to 6 (I think since I moved away there are now there's 8 or 9) Temples within an hour. Wow! That amazes me. But now when we want to make it to the Temple, we plan a minimum of 9 hours to go to one session. [3 hour drive, 2 hour session, eat, 3 hour drive back] But I am so grateful for the Bismarck Temple. We got to go this week and participate in an Endowment Session for some of our friends. It made us realize that it's been 20 years this month since Brett received his endowment. (Wow- he's old- HOT but, old!!) It's been 14 years and 2 months for me. We are so blessed to be sealed as an eternal family by God's Priesthood power and to have Temples on the earth today. Thank You, Heavenly Father for sharing your "Houses" with me!
5. Wild Turkeys
Another thing we always see in the Fall is a herd (or is it flock?) of wild turkeys. They usually can be found on the side of the road on the way to Horace after they cut the corn fields down. There is sometimes up to 8 or so turkeys. They all look female to me (because they are the "non-poofy ones", at least that's what Lily tells me ;) But this week, on the way home from school, Liberty spotted two in our neighbor's front yard. She even made me drive backwards down the street so we could all get a look at them. Sure enough, they were munching on what's left of the flower beds. Where else can you get dinner in your front yard? LOL! They make me look forward to Thanksgiving dinner. I LOVE turkey at Thanksgiving! YUMMMY!

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