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We, 4 Kings.....

After the festivities at the Brothersons, we headed home for some family fun!
Each year, the Wise Men make a stop at our home on Christmas Eve. There are the greatest Wisemen ever! They all bring us gifts of gold! (A modification from when I grew up and got PJs every Christmas Eve from Santa! After we open our gifts, we all get dressed in our new PJs. Well-- Dad always gets socks so he doesn't usually participate but this year he even put them on. Yeah!
During our own little Christmas Eve Celebration, we try to help the kids focus on the Savior. We always read the Christmas Story from the book Shauna made us. I LOVE the book and it's a perfect way to read the Story. It has the Luke 2 Scripture Story, pictures of the Nativity and several Christmas carols to sing after each section of the story. In the Seamons' home, it is quite a production of reading skills, beautiful music (HaHa) and dance moves like you've never seen before. This year, Liberty actually played a couple of the songs on the piano while we sang. She's getting really good! Thanks, Sis! The kids have a blast and we get some great giggles. Not exactly sure but I think Jesus would love the way we celebrate His Bday! The Story ends with us singing Silent Night. A perfect way to remember the true meaning of Christmas. At the end, Shauna also included a Christmas ABC section. The kids love to try and guess what could start with each letter. It's fun what they come up with!
Then, we always watch The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints version of the Luke 2 Nativity. It's so simple but really powerful. I will include it HERE if you'd like to watch it or you can also find it on youtube. (This one has the Breath of Heaven song dubbed over it. It's really pretty!
Hope your Christmas Eve was memorable!

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