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Christmas Poinsettia

For those who have ever wondered where Brett gets his creativity and thoughtfulness, here's your answer. I got a love note/poem from my Father-in-law today. {Background Info: For as many years as I can remember being a part of Brett's family- during the Christmas season, Garold has bought all the girls [his wife, his 7 daughters and me] a Poinsettia plant. When we moved so far away, he had to designate Brett to get me one. It's not quite the same but I like to pretend it's from him. It just happens that within the last couple of years, the Poinsettia has become my favorite flower. Partly because it's red (my favorite color), partly because of the story behind it (read The Legend of the Poinsettia here) and probably a lot to do with the fact of Garold's fun tradition.
Here's my poem from Garold:

Dear Shay,
And so at this time of year
To keep minds bright
And be of good cheer
Poinsettias, red or white
Will fill the bill
An be just right

But since you're not here,
You must acquire
The Poinsettia
Of your desire.

So here's the cash
That you will need
To make the purchase
And complete the deed.

But you must remember
While you are out.
To also purchase
Emergency supplies without a doubt.
The E Supplies
as you recall
Will fill the bottle with chocolate pieces
wall to wall!
Love, Gramps Seamons

So fun! I LOVE it! I'm going out tomorrow to buy my flower and the emergency supplies (M&Ms) for a glass bottle he made us several years ago. We keep it with our Christmas decor. Each year, we get it out and fill it to the top- several times I might add- with red & green peanut M&Ms. It's one of my favorite things to have in my kitchen. Thanks Garold! Sure love you! Merry Christmas!

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