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Fargo Favorites #14

In honor of New Year's Eve, I thought I would see what my family is most grateful for here in Fargo in 2010.
1.winter time,, 3.good friends, 4.job and 5.the chance to get some fun toys.
1. my warm house, 2. a running car, 3. going on vacations, 4. books and books and books and 5. family & friends & much more.
1. Lots & lots of snow, 2. going on fun trips, 3. collecting Pokemon cards, 4. Wii competitions with Dad & Matt, and 5. my friends.
1. my toys like Zane my Zum, 2. all my friends, 3. my Preschool, 4. ice skating & sledding in the snow, and 5. Holiday traditions with my family like popping balloons on New Year's Eve.
1. Baby Soph, 2. "Sissa Lawwsen", 3. having every surrounding neighbor with a dog, 4. licking the humungous snow piles and 5. Baby Soph.
1. my little family- we make tons of memories here together, 2. my blog- it's my journal, my memories and my "list" of things I've accomplished, 3. a really, really white Christmas, 4. my Ward family- they are the greatest! & 5. the lasting friendships that Fargo teaches you how to make!
What are YOU grateful for in 2010?

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