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Fargo Favorites # 11

1. Annual Ornament Exchange
No matter where I go after my time here in Fargo, one of my favorite memories of my Christmases and friends here will always be my annual Ornament Exchange. In 2001, Lana (my Mother-in-law) started one for Brett's seven sisters and me. We would have a little get-together, eat and exchange Ornaments sometime after Thanksgiving. It was so much fun! Well, then I moved here in 2005. I could still participate long distance but I didn't want to be left out of the party part so I started one myself. Little did I know that it would change and grow and continue over 6 years. Such great ladies, way too much fun and so many amazing ornaments. I LOVE it! Here's a little walk down memory lane.
Amazing ladies-
The Ornaments-
With the age of little shops, big stores, vinyl lettering, google, etc- quotes are accessible like never before. There are so many good ones out there. Some make you laugh, some make you cry and some inspire you to do what you already know you should. I found this little sign here in Fargo and I hung it in my kitchen. "Enjoy What You Do"! Isn't that so true? It really doesn't matter what we do- but if we're gonna do
it- we better enjoy it! It's a good reminder for me on those
less-than-appreciated Momma days!

3. Snow Glitter
I love it during the days when the sun hits the snow just right and makes it glitter. So beautiful!

4. Tree Flocking
Every once in a while, we will go to bed under a blanket of what seems like Winter fog. Overnight this "Winter Fog" puts a magical spell over the land. When we wake up, it has turn all of Fargo into a Winter Wonderland. Every tree is beautifully flocked with the most sparkly & white snow crystals you've ever seen. It amazes me everytime it happens. Absolutely gorgeous! {It only lasts until the sun melts it away- so you gotta enjoy it while it lasts!}
5. Hot Chocolate Partays
Well, that is quite enough SNOW talk for one day! Here in Fargo, we have lots of chances to enjoy and play in the snow. But this is the kind of white stuff & cold temps that deserves a Hot Chocolate Partay everytime! After being out, we like to pull out the BIG hot cocoa mugs and enjoy a bit of warmth and a lot of whoop cream! Yeah!
So.... What are you grateful for TODAY?

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