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Adults Only Christmas Party

The Tuckers & Potters threw an amazing party tonight. We had a blast! There was tons of yummy food- soooo good! I LOVE it when everyone brings something and you end up eating like you just paid a million bucks for dinner. We had lots of treats as well. The funniest part of dinner was that.... any idea I had of a Mormon Party was destroyed in one night by the drink choices. What happened to Fruit Punch, Sprite and Rootbeer, people? LOL! But believe me- there were no complaints cuz both Diet "Pee Waters" (can you tell what I think of Mt. Dew? ;) and all the Diet Coke were gone first. Too funny!
There are always such fabulous people to do things with here in Fargo. Here's all the cute couples that came tonight:
After dinner, we did a White Elephant game. Can I just say two things.... 1.Theme Night & 2.Hilarious!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
 Here's just a few of the "Best Gifts" of the night:
* Autographed box of Cap'n Seamons Crunch Cereal
* The Knitted Beard Beanie hat
* The Big Blue Fuzzie Wuzzie
* The Pebbles Cereal Pack (I think JPot just wanted to be in the picture ;)
* The "I Heart Cats" pillow
* 2 goldfish with a bottle of Tarter sauce
* Twilight's "Jacob in the Mist" Poster & matching outfit
Don't ask me how all the guys got them but what a blast!
We had to get home to the babysitter but the rest stayed and played another game. It's where each person writes down 3 truths about themselves that no one would know. Three people at a time had to go up to the front. All three of their cards were read and then you had to guess who was who. We did hear one round.- it was too funny! There's some crazy things people have done. LOL!
 Thanks guys for a fabulous Party!
Watch out everybody-- the Cat pillow may make a return visit next year!

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