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Ornament Exchange: A Story to Tell

There's always a story to be told when you put so much time & effort into a project. That's why there is a rule that at the Ornament Exchange you have to come prepared to tell the "Story Behind the Ornament". Normally, I have them all write to me their stories but I am going to try & do my best to retell the stories. Hopefully, I have enough thawed brain cells to remember them all. Here's the Tales from this year:
Emily Massey: This was Emily's 1st year with us. She moved here from Texas recently so she's missing the warmth and beach. She had a friend once who made these as thank-you gifts for a wedding and decided to try them. They are filled with sand & seashells and remind her of home. So gorgeous!
Haylie Ironroad: Haylie said $30 dollars later and 3 crappy Ornament attempts she gave into her Hubby's request and went Indian. She used supplies she had from last year and did Dream Catchers out of micro beads on blue bulbs. So fancy! Great job! Sweet dreams to me!
McKenzie Larsen: McKenzie is a new-comer and a Partay lifesaver. (Thanks for your help with the craft, lady!) She found this ornament idea online [my kinda girl-lol]. She had to order the bells because Fargo is such a mecca of crafts. HaHa! They turned out so darling. To make them even more meaningful- in the Larsen home whenever the girls ask if there really is a Santa, Mom says "Well can you still hear the bells?" (from Polar Express). As long as they hear the bells- I guess there IS a Santa! ;)
Sheleray Seamons- So, as most know- I am addicted to fabric. This year, I wanted to make something quilted so I went googling. Fancy that but I found a Quilted Ornament Ball Pattern. Awesome! I decided to make it really meaningful & only allow myself to buy the Styrofoam balls and the 4000+ pins. Everything else would have to come from my Basement Craft Room. (Don't dog the Craft room, people!) Well, it took a lot of restraint but I made 24 of them. [12 for the Partay, 4 for my kids, 8 for my In-laws even though they were whimpy about doing an Exchange this year. LOL] They are all different but turned out very fun. Yeah for being a pack-rat!
Candyland Momento by Liberty- I usually try to make a "Thank you for coming" Ornament just for fun! Well, I had some clear bulbs that my Mother-in-law & sisters-in-law had made Brett & I for a Bridal Shower so that we would have something to put onto our tree. They were all the same but now after 9 or more years of Ornament Exchanges they have served their purpose and deserve to be passed on. Liberty helped me by sticking on Peppermint Stickers, a little bow and ribbon. They are TOTALLY Candyland-ish!
Kristen Brotherson (aka KBro)- Procrastination at it's finest! LOL! Actually, she already had an Ornament done but didn't like it so thanks to her Errand-running friend KTuck, she got new supplies this afternoon and whoala! Perfect! She did a classy black & silver theme which goes so appropriately with the Fargo 2010 on the side! [Cuz Fargo is about as classy as ya' all get) LOL! It has a little tag on it that says: "Many are called but Few are Frozen!" Too funny! She hopes that no matter where we go over the years (or before the kids break it), that we will be able to look at it and remember our time together here in Fargo!
Heidi Potter- The Potters moved here over the Summer. Heidi said that she loves the Childhood memories of Christmas. They decided that once they had kids they would take a family picture every year at Christmas so that they coukld frame them. Well, after like 14 years of marriage, they have one. Oops! Time flies when you're having fun! So she decided that she would make a Picture frame for each of us. She put in a cute little saying of "The Joy of Christmas- Celebrate the Season" but she said- Take it out! Put a picture of you r family in there to remember Christmas 2010! Ahhhhh! So sweet!
Allison Cudney- Allison is known for being an awesome Mother. Her kids are her world! Every year she involves them in the Ornament making process. She said some have quite a bit of snow because Alex was having way too much fun! We teased that we can just pretend that you got a snow drift in yours. ;) Also, they hung a little Christmas light inside because she likes lights and they remind her of her Mom. Too cute!
Jennifer Mausolf- Jen is very Victorian/Vintage in her style. She had several ideas but kept walking past this Vintage Postage Stamp fabric at Joann's that was calling her name! She backed them with felt & decked them out with ribbon (She likes ribbon!;). They turned out darling! So Jennifer! Also, she said one of her favorite ornaments growing up was a little felt-backed deer that her Daddy gave her. She loves her Dad & Deer! Merry Christmas Bambi!
Lauren Wolf- Lauren had grand plans of what to make this year. Possibilities of plaid ones(her favorite color), or ones with micro beads in snowflakes shapes, or maybe a little simpler shape. All of which she said just didn't cooperate. So, she bought hers but these ARE what were in her HEAD. LOL! They turned our beautiful, lady!
KTuck- Kristen is an amazingly Crafty person and has the fun-est tools ever! Recently she got a button-maker. Anyone who knows her can attest that she says LOTS of paper. She said between paper and a button maker, she just couldn't resist! Flat back button Ornaments! Perfect reminder of our Kristen Krafts supplier. ;) I was so happy because Lauren saved me the Poinsetta one. That's my favorite flower!
Brooke- Brooke was making something out of felt. It needed to be pre-shruck so she went to work. It went from this <--------------------BIG-----------------------> to this <-big->. Oops! She got more of it & then the life of a Pregnant Mommy took over. Dang so, Plan B. She made us all 6 little magnets for our fridge. Well, unless your tree is magnetic. LOL! They are so awesome! I LOVE magnets!
Bonny- Bonny likes to try and make something that will remind us of the real meaning of Christmas. She puts us all to shame! ;) This year, she was thinking of the different names of the Savior- Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace. It reminded her of a dove. She made these wonderful felt doves with a branch in it's mouth and a red ribbon. I love it!! Truly why we Celebrate!!!
Until we Meet Again-
Happy Ornament Exchange Everyone!

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