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12 Days of Christmas!

A few years back, Brett's sister, Shauna sent us this amazing Accordion Christmas Advent Book. With it's colors, ribbon, and embellishments---It is truly a work of art! The kind of "so pretty- nobody touch it" kind! ;) It is not only beautiful but a way to make the Countdown to Christmas really meaningful. Each day of December until Christmas has it's own little envelope. Tucked inside each one is a slip of paper with a thought provoking Quote usually from a Prophet or Apostle, a Scripture to read, an idea for a service to do that day, and a song to sing. What better way to Celebrate December than hearing & studying His Words, doing His will, and singing praises to His name!
On the 12th Day of Christmas,
My God gave to me.....
12. Amazing friends near and far
11.  a 4WD warm, running car
10. Awesome family in the West
9. Tons of delicious food (Yum- that's the Best)
8. A Beautiful home to live in
7. Forgiveness from my sin
6. Health & Strength to do His will
5. A steady job to pay the bill(s)
4.  Four cute kids that laugh each day
3. An AMAZING Hubby (I'm so lucky- what can I say?)
2. The joy that each new Holiday can bring
& 1. A Brother, a Savior, even Jesus Christ, my King.
What did HE give to YOU today?

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