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Family Visit: Lunch & Dinosaurs

When family comes to visit and school is in, Liberty & Justice love to have them come to lunch. Grandpa Randy, Shauna and Brett enjoyed an awesome school lunch sack! Lucky them! ;) Then they even got to stay and play at Recess. First, it was Justice & his friends vs. Shauna & Brett in a little football action! Then, at Liberty's recess, she want them to chase the boys with her! Oh no! Isn't she too young for that kinda stuff? LOL Anywho-The kids LOVED it!
Since B & Justice were having a fun lunch, Grandma Karla & I took the little ones to the Mall for an adventure of our own. After lunch, the rest of the gang joined us to play on the Dinos. Lots of fun! (except for when Mall security threw away Grandpa's drink. Oops! Sorry, Dad! LOL)

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