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Baptism Boy

We had the privilege this weekend to participate in Justice's Baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are so proud of his decision to continue following the Savior. He looked so awesome all dressed in white with his Dad! I am so glad that Brett is a worthy Priesthood holder that can perform saving ordinances in our family. We are so blessed!
As guests arrived, Justice had them sign his Remembrance Book and gave out Articles of Faith cards as a thank you gift for those who attended. He had tons of people that came to support him on his special day. We were told there was standing room only. What a loved kid we have! Thanks to all who came or wanted to be there even if they couldn't! ;)
Justice chose those who would participate in his Baptism Program. With Brett being in the Bishopric, Justice asked him to conduct, Baptize, Confirm and welcome Justice into the Church. It was special for Justice especially because he adores his Dad. Justice asked his Grandma Karla and Mom to do the prayers. Aunt Shauna gave a talk on Baptism. Then after the Baptism, Grandpa Randy gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. While the guys were changing out of their wet clothes, we played the guests a DVD that Mom put together for Liberty's Baptism called Baptism and Remembering Jesus. It's one of our favorite videos. We found it on YouTube a couple of years ago. The kids love it!! Oh, one cute memory... after Justice got baptized one of his friends yelled "Wahoo!" LOL Wahoo is right! What an exciting day!
Justice looked super sharp in his new suit (and new CTR tie-tack from Shauna). He is one good-looking kid! Funny little tidbit... when we were getting ready for the baptism, Justice went to the Church in his pjs because we knew he'd just be changing into his white clothes when we got there and then into his suit after. So, Mom grabbed the suit out of the closet on our way over. For some reason Justice look at it when we got there and discovered that there were no pants with it. Ooops! We sent Grandpa Randy back to grab some so we ended up starting late. Oh well. M.S.T. [Mormon Standard Time] anyways, right? Good thing Justice caught it beforehand or he would have come out in his Star Wars PJ bottoms. LOL Unfortunately, we didn't figure out until after the baptism that he hadn't brought any extra socks [cuz he'd worn his new white socks from the Rasmussens into the font] and only had his red rain boots for his foot attire. Shoot! Luckily, I had some McDonald socks (you know the ones you buy so you can play on the PlayLand?) in the car. Too funny! Nonetheless- we have one Handsome boy! Luv ya Buddy!
After the closing prayer, everyone joined us in the Primary Room for refreshments. We have some great friends! Thanks to all those who brought something or helped set up or clean up or just came to show love for Justice. We really appreciate you all!
We told Justice he could pick ANYWHERE he wanted for the Fam to eat lunch after. Guess where he chose? Subway! Can you believe it? That's one healthy kid? At lunch, Dad and Mom gave him his own set of Scriptures with his name on them and a medallion for his pocket to remind him to follow Jesus always! Everyone had a yummy lunch and the little ones danced like they were at a ball. What a fun day!
Justice- We are so proud of you! You are such a smart, good-lookin' kid. We know that Heavenly Father is majorly proud of you and your decision to follow His Son. We know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's true Church on the Earth. Being baptized by the proper Priesthood authority and by immersion is the 1st essential step in returning to our heavenly home. We pray that you continue to follow the Spirit and do those things in your life that allow you to be close to the Savior. Love ya tons, kiddo! XOXO

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