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Fargo Favorites #28

1. Inspired Words
I love General Conference Time!!! The Prophet and Apostles always say something that is exactly what I need to hear. So inspired and uplifting! I love it! We got to watch both sessions together as a family on Sunday. I think my favorite talks were Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk on learning to accept correction and Elder David A. Bednar's talk on Revelation. I love that General Conference has something for everyone that truly wants to follow Jesus! Also, we finally got a laptop so we could hook it up and watch Conference on the big TV upstairs rather than crowding 6 people around the desk downstairs. We were so excited!
2. Dead Grass
Dead grass, live grass, green grass, blue grass..... does it really matter? We SEE grass! Yeah!
3. Jacket Weather
The weather's been fabulous here! All day Saturday, I never saw anyone in a coat all day. A light jacket or long sleeved shirt was what everyone was wearing! Granted.... it's only 40 degrees but hey- It's SPRING and warm for Fargo!!! LOL
4. Curbs and Gutters
I am so excited to see curbs and gutters. Hey people- I'm telling ya- it's the little things that count! I haven't seen a curb or gutter in 4 or 5 months. Yeah for Fargo!
5. 4-Wheelin' through the Puddles
I have a confession to make. I LOVE driving through puddles. What better place for that than Fargo in the spring? I even purposely swerve to run through them. I love the water spraying up around the car. It's so fun! And no!- I don't try to splash anyone-- just an occasional parked car or snowpile. LOL! Oh yah- and please don't tell Brett cuz he's a CRAZY driver! If he found out he'd never let me live it down since I'm always giving him a hard time when he swerves to try and hit animals or his occasional donut or two. ;) LOL Luv ya, Honey!
 What makes you Happy??

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