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TOFW 2011: Choose to Become

Since the T.O.F.W. theme this year was Choose to Become, they challenged us all to CHOOSE something to BECOME this year. Here's what the ladies decided.
Liz Zollinger- I'm going to become a better friend and pay closer attention to the messages Heavenly Father sends me each day.
Teri Zollinger- I Choose to Become more charitable and understanding toward others so I can become more Christlike in my relationships.
Becky Disher- I am going to become more patient.
Jennifer Mausolf- A nurse (working) and a better mommy!
Julie Wright- I will become old, then dead! (We all hope that this isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy. LOL)
Amy Wright- I will become happy!
Wendy Potter- I am going to try to be a more patient mom & wife. I will try to pay attention to my surroundings and render help if needed.
Julie McPherson- Wow! There are so many things I would like to BECOME but since I have to choose one for now I am going to try to become fit.
Debbie Stephenson- I would like to be more in tune (my eyes more open) to what Heavenly Father wants me to become! ;)
Jill Erikson- I would like to become a better friend and be more social.
Allison Cudney- I will be SOCIAL!!
Jenny West- I will become more active in determining the path my life takes. I will strive to write Christ's name on my heart. I will develop my talents and watch for opportunities to serve.
Kristen Brotherson- (slacker! lol)
Sheleray Seamons- I CHOOSE to become contagiously HAPPY! I think becoming this means 1- seeking help from my Heavenly Father every day. 2- Finding ways to keep my eyes wide open for opportunities to be happy and share that happiness with others. 3-Consistently reminding myself why I am happy- an attitude of gratitude! Wish me luck! ;)
What do YOU choose to BECOME?

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