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TOFW 2011: To The Rescue

Our real TOFW Adventure:
As you know, my sweet friends and I ended up renting a 15 passenger van to travel down to Minneapolis so we could ride all together. As you also know, we stopped at the Outlet Malls on the way back to Fargo. That made it pretty late when we were on the final stretch home. We were about 45 minutes from Fargo when the battery gage started jumping back and forth. The van seemed to be running fine so we kept driving. As we made it to Moorhead, the brake light turned on and the lights went dead. I turned to my sweet sisters and told them all to say a prayer cuz it looked like the van was dying. As we held our breath, we tried to decide if we could make it to the Church exit. We crossed just over the ND border when the van made a sad noise so we pulled over to the side of the highway and  that was it. A fifteen passenger van carrying 12 ladies and lots of luggage was dead on the side of a North Dakota Highway at 11 o'clock at night.
Are you kidding me!!!??? LOL! We first called a tow truck. Then, we called Ellen (Kristen's daughter) to come rescue us. It just happened that Ellen was with a bunch of friends so they came over with 4 cars to haul all the ladies and their luggage back to the Church (only about 5 minutes away). One of those cars belonged to Nick. It just happened that by accident, Nick locked his keys in the truck when he hopped out to greet us. So he ended up having to call his Mom to come rescue him with the second set of keys. (It was a night of rescuing, for sure. lol) It worked out perfect though because the other cars took all the ladies to the Church while Kristen and I AND Nick waiting for a bit more rescuing.
The tow truck came next. By now, lack of sleep was an understatement and silliness had overpowered us. Kristen and I found everything to be a bit funny! We even took pictures with the tow truck man, Alex and told him he was our HERO! We documented our whole rescue experience. Our big van being hoisted up, our Hero Alex and us trying to help lift the van into place. I'm sure it is was a night he won't quickly forget. lol Thanks Alex for coming to our rescue!
As we watched the tow truck pull away, even more silliness ensued. We took sad pictures of Kristen and I alone on the highway with our luggage and even a few of us trying to hitch-hike home. LOL! We are SOOOO funny! Not sure Nick thought we were that funny but he was a good sport. Finally, Sister LaDuke came with the 2nd set of keys and once again, we were rescued. Wahoo! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in RESCUING us tonight! You are our HEROs!
Safely back at the Church and in our car, Kristen and I laughed at the memories of our Adventure! We laughed so hard we almost cried! What a day! What a long, long, glorious day to be rescued!
MORAL of the STORY: We were so tired from our long weekend & lack of sleep and this was NOT in the plans!!! It could have been a really awful experience BUT... we CHOSE to notice it as a miracle. We could have broken down 45 minutes from Fargo but instead we had just crossed the state line. Ellen could have been alone and would have had to make several trips but a youth dance was that night and they were all together. Nick could have not locked his keys in his car and we would have not had the privilege of being saved twice. ;) There could have been snow and 30 degree temps but Spring came this week to Fargo. It could have been raining but the rains didn't come until the morning. We could have been really mad but it was probably one of the most memorable parts of the trip. It was amazing to us how Heavenly Father watched over his little group of daughters in the middle of the night on a highway in ND. We are so blessed and we CHOOSE to be very grateful for His RESCUE!

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