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TOFW 2011: Team Minneapolis

I had the opportunity this year to be on the TOFW Minneapolis Team. Basically that means I got to be involved behind the scenes of having the Event come to Minneapolis. We had phone conferences and Pep Rally calls months before the event. We kept weekly contact with the Team leads through email and a Team Blog. The ladies in charge were so great! Tennisa, works for Desert Book as the TOFW Manager and is so positive and encouraging. Breanna, the regional Team Lead was so sweet and made our entire team home-made purple flower pins- so darling! Patty was our Stake's Team Captain and she's always amazing at everything she does. What a privilege to be a part of such an amazing group!
Prior to the Event, team members were responsibility to pass the word and info out about the Event to those in our area. I so appreciate all the hard work that it takes to put on an Event this size. (Not that I didn't appreciate it before- It's just you never really know all that's involved until you are actually a part of planning it) It was so great to finally meet all the awesome ladies involved after getting to know them over the phone.
TOFW Team Minneapolis 2011

Such FUN ladies!

At the Event, we had early Team meetings [not my favorite part of the weekend. LOL - the early part of it at least] and each got assignments to perform. Everyone pitched in and helped out where they were needed to make it a huge success. As a thank-you, they gave us a  few special gifts for being on the team (as if meeting such incredible ladies wasn't enough). It was a great experience! 
As part of my assignment, I was put on the Possibility Pack Team. We helped collect, sort, count and express thanks for all the items donated. Then we took sifts during lunch to man the assembly line. Afterwards, we helped pack the boxes, label them and get them ready to donate. The ladies I worked with were so much fun! What a great opportunity to serve and have a blast doing it!
I did miss spending the whole time with my own girlfriends. It was weird to just meet up with them when I could. But they were great to let me just jump back into the fun when I was there. Thanks to Jen and Kristen for eating a fast lunch with me so that I could be there for my sift. Sure love you ladies! You're the BEST!

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