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TOFW 2011: Saturday

Saturday was a busy day! Way before bright and early, I had a meeting so I left the Hotel before I normally would even be awake. (Early mornings are for the birds NOT the Seamons :) The other ladies enjoyed a bit of a free breakfast before coming to the Convention Center. Hope they enjoyed some for me! LOL. The Saturday Event was filled once again with music, friends, laughter, tears and learning. (See post about the Inspiring Words of the Presenters) Fabulous as always!
Like usual, Deseret Book set up shop out in the foyer. During breaks and lunch, we had the opportunity to shop for books and music from the Presenters as well as other popular DB items. One fun thing that happened this year was getting to buy an autographed copy of To The Rescue: The Biography Of Thomas S. Monson. It is signed by President Monson himself- the TOFW representative switched the ones they were bringing out for the signed ones before he came to Minneapolis. Yeah! Jenny and I missed part of one of the presenters but it was worth it! They ran out of them quickly. There was so many great things to buy. I think everyone came home with at least one bag full of fun finds.
Another TOFW trip tradition involves a bit more shopping. After the event, we always take a short drive to Albertville for some Outlet Mall fun! By then my feet had already called it quits but I tagged along with some die-hard shoppers nonetheless. An hour or two and many, many bags later (hopefully everyone got a bite to eat), we all met back at the van. A little squishier than the trip down but we were ready to head home.
It always amazes me how women can talk and talk and talk and talk. No radio, no CDs and no sleeping (as far as I knew) and 3 hours flew by like it was 15 minutes. Thanks ladies for the great time. I loved being with you all. You are the bestest friends a lady could ask for!
Normally this would be the end of the story. We would roll into the Church parking lot a lot later than we should, pile out with our luggage and stumble to our respective cars to head home. We would hug each other and mumble incoherently our goodbyes. Another TOFW Adventure complete!
NOT this time! Stay tuned because little did we know that at 11:00 PM our Adventure had just begun!

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