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Fargo Favorites #27

(A reoccurring theme for me lately is..."Better late than never". LOL! Even the blog is suffering! I cheated and posted this for Friday but actually I couldn't quite get this put it together until Monday. I badly need SPRING to be here!)

1. Treasures
I am really enjoying teaching the Gospel Principles class and refreshing my knowledge of the basics of the Gospel. This week, our class went on a Treasure Hunt. LOL! Yes... we are an Adult class but we can have fun too, ya know! I had hidden "jewels" all over the room before class started. During my lesson, the class searched and found the treasure while I built (aka drew) a treasure box for us. The box represented the "Teachings of Jesus Christ" and we filled it with amazing things! The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, the Doctrine & Covenants, the Ensign and General Conference. These things are such great treasures to me. They help me to learn and know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer AND His plan for me. How grateful I am for them in my life.
2. Melting Snow
Yeah! Even with the STILL occasional snowfall, puddles are turning into patches of grass and clear sidewalks. Hallelujah!
With the melting snow has come an amazing phenomenon to our disappearing pile of snow. Stalagmites! OK.. not really but they sure look cool!
4. Missionaries
We have the BEST missionaries EVER! We have always been really lucky here in our area to have some outstanding young men serving the Lord and preaching the Gospel. Elder Pape was transferred this week. We are so sad but excited for the people of SD that get to serve with him. We were also so grateful to have him over for his last day here. We were extra lucky! Good Luck Elder Pape!
5. Priesthood
This week, we had the privilege of having an investigator family over for dinner. It was fun to get to know them and include them in our Family Home Evening festivities. They participated in our songs, lesson and activity. Brett and the Elders even exercised their Priesthood to give her a special blessing for healing of the sick. I am so grateful to have the Priesthood in my home.
are precious to you?

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