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TOFW 2011: Words of Inspiration

We had fabulous presenters this year at TOFW! They always say and sing things that touch my heart. Each one shared a message of BECOMING. I'd like to share a main idea or two of what I want to become from their message.

Friday Night:
Jenny Oaks Baker- She has an amazing musical talent! Some songs she played for us on her violin were Love is Spoken Here, More Savior Like TheeSomewhere Over the Rainbow, and Amazing Grace. Funny side-note: I had forgotten while I was at TOFW but as I was chatting with Brett when I got home, I remembered. Before Brett and I met, he worked at a bank in SLC. The bank happened to be the bank that Elder & Sister Oaks go to. Sister Oaks was about the nicest lady alive and came to the drive-up often. She adored Brett. A couple of times she tried to set him up with her daughter, Jenny. She even sent him a picture of her once through the money shoot. Too funny! It coulda been Jenny Oaks Seamons. Lucky for me- it's not! ;)
Jason Wright- I Choose to Have my eyes WIDE open! I choose to focus on the ONE and opportunities to save someone's life by small, unplanned acts of service.
Dean Hughes- I Choose to become a positive Self-Talker! I choose to step back and get a bit of perspective before I judge myself or others. 
Mercy River- Darling! Such fun and talented, musical sisters! I Choose to become a happy, strong woman and choose to enjoy being a Mother. Go Dora the Explorer! lol :)
Amanda Dickinson- I Choose to Become a better friend! "A lack of friends is as damaging to your health as smoking 14 cigarettes a day or being an alcoholic."- Do you believe that?  Be your own B.F.F. and in turn become a better friend to others.
Emily Watts-I Choose to Become Habitually Happy! I choose to create habits that will allow me to rejoice in my journey.
Brad Wilcox- We totally expected Brad to have us rolling in laughter but he totally surprised us. Instead, we cried together for an hour. I Choose to become Redeemed! I Choose to allow Christ to write His name on my heart and allow Him not only to save me but make me better!
Merrilee Boyack- Choose to B.E.C.O.M.E. U.! I choose to blaze my own trail and bloom where I'm planted.
Emily Belle Freeman- I Choose to write God's signature on my heart. Instead of you're welcome I will choose to say- "You're worth it!"

During one of the breaks, Jenny & I went up and actually met Mercy River. They are such sweet and beautiful sisters. So fun and inspiring!
TOFW-What a great experience to share with my friends. So many inspiring ideas to help me BECOME all that God as created me to become. I am so grateful for the chance to come to events like this. It was AWESOME! I'm already looking forward to TOFW coming back in 2014. I can't wait!!!

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