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Fargo Favorites #29

1. SPRING!!!!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! All the snow is gone in Fargo! Can you believe it? I hardly can but I am ecstatic about it! Now if we could just get the temps to match the scenery- we'd be in heaven!
2. Girlfriends
Where would I be without my girlfriends? I LOVE them! I love spending time with them. I love laughing and crying with them. I love getting out of my house for a bit to be with them. Don't get me wrong- Brett is my best friend EVER! He has to be my friend... He knows too much! lol! But he's a boy and every girl needs GIRLfriends especially me! This weekend reminded me of that! Thanks ladies! I luv ya to death!
3. Recording Memories
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences." -Gordon B. Hinckley
Sometimes I wonder why I even spend the time to blog. It takes so much time. Hardly anyone leaves comments and I don't have but a handful of followers. I don't make anything off of it like other blogs out there. People are always giving me a hard time for being a camera-aholic. Keeping up with it gets overwhelming and I feel like I am only talking to myself half the time. BUT- I found this quote recently AND...I am so grateful to be able to go back through my experiences. Some are funny. Some are only significant to me. But they represent a lifetime of my special experiences. I would forget so many of them if I didn't write them down and keep a record of them SO... I Choose to blog for ME!
4. Menards
Can anyone say- "Enough already?" How many times does a family need to replace a sump pump in 6 years? Well, were at 5 but who's counting, right? [And twice in 90 days]. Thank goodness for Menard's and their 90 day warranty. We upgraded this time so we'll see if that does the trick! I am so grateful that Menards is so close (although I'm not confident in their "Save BIG Money" slogan this week! lol). I am also SO grateful for an amazing Handy Hubby! What would I do with out him? XOXO!
5. Choosing to Be HAPPY!
Who doesn't want to be Happy, right? But what is Happiness? Happiness to me is peace, laughter, being with family & friends, love, charity, God, making memories and a million more little things. Such simple, assessable things so why is happiness so hard to find sometimes? Well, I once again (for the bazillionth time in my life) have been reminded that it is a CHOICE! “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” I again for the bazillionth and one time...CHOOSE to be HAPPY!
What makes you HAPPY?

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