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10 Years in the Making

Can you even believe that Liberty turned a decade old today? Holy Moly girlfriend- would ya just stop already? LOL! Here's what we did to celebrate our amazing girl:
Liberty's morning started with chocolate chip muffins, scrambled eggs and apple juice. Along with flowers & balloons and opening a present- Harry Potter: Book One. Yeah! She was so excited last night she stayed up really late because she couldn't sleep. Silly girl!
Today also just happened to be the day for Mom to come volunteer in Mrs. Spanier's class. How cool is that? So Mom got to spend the morning with Liberty and even got to eat lunch @ school with her. What perfect timing and a very special day!

The afternoon was full of opening a few of her presents and playing Harry Potter! BEST DAY EVER! She was so excited!
As soon as Dad got home, she opened the rest of her presents and we ate a special requested dinner. Dad grilled chicken on the BarBQ and Mom made her home-made salsa which Liberty LOVES! We also had a few of Liberty's favorite veggies- radishes, carrots, snow peas and lima beans! Yummy for the tummy! We even got to watch her new movie Tangled as a family. Such a cute show.
We ended the night with singing, blowing out candles, eating cake and licking chocolate ice cream cones. What a great night!
We are so lucky to have Liberty in our family. She is an amazingly smart girl. She's so kind and thoughtful and helpful. She is constantly thinking of others and is the BEST missionary ever! She loves to talk on the phone and play with her many friends. She is an incredible reader and loves the Harry Potter series along with Junie B. Jones, the Leven Thumps series and about anything that has words written on it. She is gonna be a fabulous babysitter and helps out so much with her siblings. She loves to snuggle with Mom & Dad and could sleep until noon every day if we let her. She is an amazing artist and so creative. What a beautiful young lady she is. We love you so much, B!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!

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