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Utah Vacation: Partay @ the Davis'

The Davis Family is AWESOME!!! We ended up invading their home for 6 nights- 2 more than they had even expected. They were way more than generous. Thanks guys! We sure luv ya!
We had so much fun with them! Like I said, the kids ended up being inseparable. Victoria & Halle are soul mates= Dora-loving, swimsuit-wearing, talented artist, girly girls. Too cute! And Brett & I love visiting with Cheri & Dixon. We laugh the whole time. Cheri fed us like we were Royalty- seriously- this woman can cook and clean ;) like no other. Just get her sink full of suds ready and she's set. LOL! Love ya, lady! We laughed, played and kept them up till all hours of the night EVERY night. Hopefully, they got some sleep when we left. LOL! Here's some of the fun we had with the Davis family:
The little girls wanted to swim in Halle's pool everyday.
The Davis' have a program that came with their computer. It's so totally hilarious! Everyone had a blast except for Liberty. She wasn't a fan. (Sorry sweetie!) But the faces were pretty funny! We laughed so hard!
They even spoiled us with an Outdoor Movie Extravaganza! Aunt Shauna joined us for the fun. After a fabulous dinner of delicious Teriyaki bowls and a elite-restaurant-worthy Red Velvet Cake, we made our way outside. They set up a big screen and the projector for a movie under the stars. The little girls had a movie night of their own all snuggled in Dixon & Cheri's bed- an Island Barbie Princess paradise. Outside, there was Eragon, popscicles, popcorn, fire & sm'ores- what more could you ask for? Cheri & I never made it outside. By the time we cleaned up the kitchen- (did I mention her sudsy sink?)- & putting the little ones to bed, the rest of the fam were coming in. What can I say?- us ladies can chit-chat, for sure. ;) Thanks for the fun memories! We had a blast!
There was tons more fun to be had at the Davis Hotel. We could have stayed there forever.
And of course, I mentioned the food, right? Cafe Cheri- AMAZING!!! She is fabulous. We had fresh fruit smoothies every morning- like "pick raspberries and strawberries from the garden" kind. Treats galore- good enough to look fake AND delicious meals. It was heaven! I wasn't sure that my family would actually come home with me. LOL!
On our last day with them we went to see little Miss Halle perform in the South Weber Fair. (We missed her in the Parade because mornings are NOT our thing) But we did get to see her dance. She was so darling! Awesome job, Missy! You looked beautiful! We all enjoyed a snowcone when her performance was through. There had to be like 50 flavors to choose from. Crazy & yummy!
That night, the Dads took the kids to the Fireworks. They had lots of fun! Cheri & I were supposed to go shopping and clean out my vacation-mess van. I do think Cheri made a trip to the store fast but then we spent the rest of the night talking instead. Oops! Oh well- who needs a clean car, right?
We had so much fun with the Davis family. Thanks guys! You are such an awesome family. Thanks for letting us be a part of it for a few days. Luv ya! (Even if you don't read my blog;)

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