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Utah Vacation: Boondocks

We spent the morning with Grandpa Randy & Grammy at the Roy Boondocks Fun Center. There was so much to do!!! We definitely got our moneys worth which always makes my Dad a happy man! ;) My step-sister, Shiloh & her kids came and my Dad & Edtte picked up the Pettit kids. My Mom and Ryler made it up as well. It was quite a good-lookin' group!
We started our adventures at the Race track. Victoria & I did our one time and we were good for the day. However, Liberty and Angel probably went on it 100 times. Seriously- the people let them on for like an hour over our time limit. They must have used their cute girly powers over the guys at the gate. (Isn't it too early for that?) Unfortunately, Liberty missed the height requirement by just a tiny bit. Angel didn't mind driving though. She thinks she's ready for a real car now. Watch out people! This could be dangerous. LOL! These girls even missed lunch because of these cars. It was at least an hour and a half after lunch before they even said they were hungry. Crazy girls!
The Water Bumper Boats were a hit. They all went on them a few times. They got soaked!!!! Some seriously came off like they had just taken a shower. Gotta love water fights!
While the older gang continued their outside adventures, my Mom & I took the little ones inside for some climbing fun at the Kiddie Cove & snack-time! It freaked me out to let Glory just climb in there by herself but she loved it. And she even made it down eventually all by herself.
Several groups did some LaserTag fun! My kids wish we had one of these at our house. Maybe that could be Brett's next home project. Well.... maybe we shouldn't give him any ideas. LOL!
My two youngest girlies wanted pictures in the photo booth while we waited for the LaserTag groups but they wanted WAY too much mula for them. (Guess the saving-money-gene is hereditary. Thanks alot, Dad! LOL!) So we climbed in the booth and took our own. A little Picasa magic and whoala- I thought they turned out even better than ones we would have got from the machine. Too cute!
The one thing I really wanted to do was bowl. Unfortunately, everyone else were having way too much fun elsewhere so the little ones and I tried our luck at Rollerball instead. I just helped the girls but it was a lot of fun! The pins are all on strings. You can choose to have the bumpers come up for each individual player so Victoria and Glory were in heaven. They think they are Bowl Pros now. Silly girlies! A few of the other little kids joined us for a game as well.
I'm pretty sure most people took a turn at Mini Golf. For Shiloh, Karla (my Mom) and me- it was more like chase the kids to the next hole. ;) But at least we can say we golfed, right?
I'm exhausted just writing about all we did but that was just half of it. All the Arcade stuff was an afterthought but still a lot of fun! It was nearly impossible to have get everyone to even come and play them because theyw ere having too much fun at the other things. Everyone did take their turn at rides or ticket-winning games. And of course, everyone exchanged tickets for prizes. Yeah- more fun junk we've acquired. Lucky us! But the kids LOVED every minute of it!
Thanks Dad! We had a lot of fun! It was fun spending the day with everyone!

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