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At the Lakes with the Cooks

Our dear friends, the Cooks are the most giving people we know. They are some of the hardest workers and are always sharing all that they have with others. We love them!
Since they have no other way they could spend their limited time already (LOL!), they ended up renting a lake place for the month of August. Today, they were gracious enough to invite us out for a day at "the Lake". We had a blast!
They got a place with a small little cabin with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a sitting area and a screened porch. It was just perfect for their family and having friends out during the day. The beach property was fabulous! It was a perfect day for it too- the lake was like glass for most of the day. A huge shade tree, lots of sand and tons of things to do! We got to spend the day with the Cooks, Liz & Bryant Zollinger, the Tuckers, the Brewsters, and the Mausolfs. What a great day!
We all got a turn out on a tube or at least pulling a tube. It was Liberty's absolute favorite! (In fact, she paid for it for several days after! Oops! The back of her legs got fried!) KTuck, Julie & I got out together. What can I say?- I AM A Whimp. My arms are still sore and Brett was actually very kind in his driving. It was a crazy ride but lots of fun!
Justice's favorite had to be the Kayaking. He was in them every chance he could get. Conner & him would go out pretty far in the lake. I wasn't sure they would be able to get back. LOL!
The Cooks bought a water Trampoline to bring to the lake. It wasn't very bouncy but the kids loved swimming out to it (or getting a ride to it in the kayak- thanks Emily) The older kids loved taking turns jumping off of it into the water. A very fun addition to the Lake experience.
Last but not least, Brett was in love with Jerry's Jet skis. Theses things were like race cars on water. They were super fast and mega powerful. Wowzers! Brett even tried his luck at Slalom Skiing. After he finally got his size 13 foot into a size 10 boot (LOL!), he was off. He looked awesome! You are amazing, Honey! What a hottie you are! Some of the younger boys tried their hand at raft skiing. They looked pretty cool as well.
Thanks so much to the Cooks for sharing their place with us! We had a fabulous day! Thank You!

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