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Utah Vacation: Cowboys in Training

Howdy Partner! Let's getty up this post for ya'll!
One request that Liberty had while we were in East Canyon was Horseback Riding! So, Grandma Karla made arrangements for us all to spend the morning pretending to be Cowboys, I mean Cowfolk!! LOL! It was a lot of fun!
After everyone was awake, -which is an impossible task in and of itself- (Summer vacation, don't ya know) we made our way about 10 miles down the canyon to the Cowboy Ranch. (I forgot it's official name) We decided that we would rent 5 horses for an hour so we could do a couple trail rides and give some of the little kids a ride around the corral. It was a beautiful day and the owners were very kind. They even had a dog- which the kids adored, of course. And there were porch swings and hummingbird feeders so we were thoroughly entertained even without the horses.
Their little boy was a hoot. His name was Rylen and he is ALL Cowboy through and through! He had his 3rd birthday yesterday. He was so funny! He thinks that anyone who comes to rent horses is there to see him. He called my Dad- "Grandpa" the whole time and showed us 'round the place. He even got out his rope for some Rodeo Action. He was ropin' everyone! I took my turn catching him. I had to chase him through the trees. He's a fast little bugger! But my favorite part was when he caught me. He was pulling me all over the place by my ankle screaming, "I gotcha bunckin' bronco!" Too cute!!!
Like I said- With 4 of the horses, a group went out on a trail ride. It took a bit to get all the horses saddled and everyone on and then they were off into the sunset- ok, really just up the hill but that just doesn't sound as neat! LOL! All those with 2 riders got a little smopshed but everyone had a great time!
While the Cowboy Posse was gone, we took the little ones on rides 'round and 'round the corral. They LOVED it!! A couple of us adults even got a turn. When the Posse got back we made a switch for a new group and my girls stayed behind for riding lessons. They did awesome!!! Victoria did it all by herself for a little bit. Liberty took off like a natural. She was stopping the horse- Whoa!- and turning her around and everything! It wasa lot of fun to watch her. When Justice got back, they let him have a little turn as well. All my kids make awesome Cowfolk!!
Here's our Trail Ride Posse # 2: (Even little Glory went with Dad and loved it!!)
Last but not least, they had donkeys. The little ones enjoyed feeding them. Well that is until Glory get bit. Oops! Gotta let go of the straw before he eats it all, baby. I felt way bad for her and she was NOT fond of them after that. Ryler on the other hand looks like he's in love! Cute boy!
Thanks Mom! It was a lot of fun! You made Liberty's day!
What a great Adventure, ya'll!

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