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Best Family Vacation Ever: Bemidji

Another purpose of this vacation was to enjoy the things there are to see while we are living in the Midwest. One of those things is Paul Bunyan and the Headwaters of the Mississippi. So, we found a little resort on Bemidji Lake that had 3 room cabins. Perfect for sharing with our extended family, the Ironroads. Matt & Haylie met us in Bemidji to finish out our vacation with us. YEAH for Matt & Haylie!
As part of our evening, we made a trip to say hi to the big man himself-- Paul Bunyan, that is and his Big Blue friend. We got a good laugh over the HUGE statue in the OPEN of Paul and then the Indian statue hidden behind the trees and in the cage. We LOVE ya Matt! LOL!
We got there too late to go to the Visitors Center but in fine fashion there was a Mini-golf course that we got to walk around. Yeah for the vacation famous for Mini-golf! :)
The weather turned out to be a bit chilly and rainy so the beach playing at our cabin was more of a quick walk. We stayed at a family run resort called Ruttger's. Very peaceful! They had great screened porches on the cabins so the bugs stayed out but we could watch the rain along the lake. Quite pretty!
We did a little BBQing in the rain. Well, the men did while Haylie & I took the kids swimming in their indoor pool. The kids had a great time. The Pool house was great as along as you watched out for the slippery tile. It was a death trap. OUCH! Back at the cabin, dinner was fabulous as usual! After dinner, we put the little ones to bed and played a mean game of Sequence. OK, in Ironroad terms- it was very tame. LOL! We are yet to be broken in to the real Ironroad Game nights. Someday, though, we hope to be! ;) We've heard CRAZY things! With all thekids tucked in bed, we were going to watch a movie but Matt said he was good for only an hour or so so we opted to just visit. Well, Matt should have taken choice A cuz our visiting lasted longer than a movie. Oops! Sorry Matt! You can sleep when you're dead. LOL! We just love Matt & Haylie. They are fabulous!
The morning, we had a great FREE breakfast (I LOVE that about vacation) and did a little more swimming.
Are you swam out yet????? The weather was still a little overcast which was a bummer since the rest of the week was so beautiful so no beach play. Bummer! Good thing we had the Ironroads to make up for the icky weather. Thanks for coming guys!

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