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Giving Back, Going Green

We use SOOO much paper at our home that we decided to give back a little O2 to Mother Earth by planting a couple new trees in our yard. We've been meaning to replace our dying apple tree anyways for several years and today was the day!!! Besides becoming a feeding frenzy for the pesty mosquitos, the kids had a lot of fun! Thanks Honey for getting them in.
Tree # ONE-
We waited to plant the second tree so that Taelyn (our neighbor and the reigning Little Miss North Dakota) could come and help us. It's some good experience for any kid to see what it takes to give back to the Environment and it just happened that her Mom was visiting with me while we were making plans to plant. She asked if they could come over when we did it. I'm glad the timing worked out. Taelyn was so funny because she was totally disgusted that Victoria was picking up worms AND she didn't want to get her sash dirty. LOL! For days after, Victoria kept telling me how much she now doesn't like worms either. The influencal power of peer pressure. You gotta love it! :) Just wait until we go fishing and it'll be all about the worms again.
Tree # TWO-
One last thing to give back to Mother Earth this week is our MOUNTAIN o'cans in our garage. Last year some time, Brett got the kids on a Can-Recycling-Hunt. They found them everywhere! They'd go to the park after a Baseball game, find cans on walks and recruited the heavy pop drinkers at work to donate to their cause. Once the "Mountain" gets out of control, then Brett has the kids help him take them down to earn some money. With the drop in price for aluminum, they get like less than ONE PENNY a can but it's a good experience for them. They get a check written to them and get to go cash it. So here's to cleaning out our garage and earning a little (very little) cash! LOL! You gotta work hard to earn a living 'round here. :)
Recycling the MOUNTAIN o'Cans-
Happy Nature Week!

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