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Father's Day Feast

We celebrated all day today!
We started by making breakfast for Brett before Church. Fruit, eggs, toast and bacon. Yummy! Ok-- well it was a Little-Red-Hen morning but the kids were excited for Father's day! (the VeggieTale movie just won out the desire to help make anything LOL!)
After Church and nap, we opened presents! The kids get so excited for gift giving opportunities. Justice made Brett a DryErase board in RW&B, of course. :) Victoria has been making him cards for weeks. Liberty made him a flag out of Bendaroos. They are very thoughtful. We also got him a RWB eagle shirt, some candy and some money for a new Wii game he wants. Happy Father's Day, Honey! We love you so much! XOXO!
We also got to have Matt & Haylie over for the Father's day Feast. And I mean FEAST! We had 2 racks of ribs, humungous T-bone steaks, Potatoes on the grill, corn on the cob, green salad, and the yummiest dessert ever- Eclair cake! OMH! So good! Thanks Honey Haylie! ;) Unfortunately, I got one photo of the last rib and that's it! Oops! You'll just have to trust me how absolutely fabulous everything looked, tasted and smelled. It was SOOOOOO Delicious! [At least Brett and I thought so-- not that everyone else didn't enjoy it but Brett and I were at the table for an extra 45 minutes eating. Too funny. But it was so yummy! And Brett tricked his way into having like 4 or 5 helpings of dessert. I'm surprised we didn't explode.]
The rest of the evening consisted of relaxing in Brett's hamaca (we tested the 1 ton limit by piling as many people as we could fit- it worked by the way!), did the Zipline and of course, took our weekly Sunday walk. Then, there's the Super Mario Wii time whenever Matt's around. He can always get us to the next level. Thanks Matt! Even of you are a "stinker" as Justice says. We luv ya!
We are so grateful for Brett and Matt in our lives. We love you guys! Hope you had an awesome Father's Day!

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