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Wild West Jamboree

Howdy Partner!
Tonight, we made our way down to the Wild West Jamboree at Rendevous Park. It's a free event put on by the Parks District. We've gone several of the last 5 years. We had lots of fun LINE dancing!
When we got there the food LINE was humungous! I mean HUMUNGOUS! (Maybe 250 people) Mom waited in LINE while the kids headed for the Archery LINE. Unfortunately, that LINE took forever so by the time they made it to their turn, Justice was the only one that had stuck it out. He looks awesome though! Way to go Buddy! They finished just in time for us to get to the front of the food LINE.
Meanwhile, the girls decided to join me in the food LINE. Along the way we came to the Face Painting LINE. Luckily, it went parallel to my LINE so they hoped in to wait. The Swansons (or part of them) found us and joined us for the rest of the evening. The girls LOVE Kaitlin so it worked great! {After a half an hour, I actually called Heather on he cell to tell her who had stole her daughter. LOL!} Timing was fabulous because as soon as they got to the front of the LINE, Justice got back to get his hand painted and we had just got our food. Gotta love LINE dancing! The kids looked very cute with their faces painted:
As soon as we got our food (hotdogs with no buns, chips but no water. LOL!... They had WAY more people than they had expected but hey- free is free, right?) and the kids were being body-arted, I had Brett stand in LINE for the Horse-y Ride (Wagon Ride to ya'll). We ate dinner while we walked in the LINE. LOL! (In case, you are beginning to wonder--Even with the constant LINE hopping, we were having a great time!)  Heather and Trae met us just before our turn so they joined us for the ride. Glory was so excited for the horseys. She would have rode them all night. The was very short but sweet.
It turns out that LINE standing was not a favorite for the kids but while we aited for our ride, they found the sand and the lake. Did you know that water is magnetic? LOL! Well, it is to kids at least. Before I could even turn around, they had their shoes off and were in the water. With the "NO Swimming" Sign posted on the beach, I had to be the mean Mommy. They resorted to building sand castles. :) But hey, it passed the time. Whatever works, right?
After our horsey adventure, we turned our real Cowboy on and did some Lasso Twirlin' and some Steer Wranglin'. It was way fun! Cowboy Buck showed us how it's done! He actually had a booth setup for Cowboy Buck Engraving. His Laser stuff was so neat! And his prices AT the Jamboree were great. I have so many ideas to take to him. Maybe even some ideas for my Christmas Ornament Exchange. I'm so excited!
We finished the evening out with a little rock climbing. Less cowboyish but fun nonetheless. We actually even ran into our neigbors, the Alms. Tina & Taelyn visited and played with the Swansons and us until the mosquitos did us in. Gotta love ND in the Summer.
The Wild West Jamboree gets too thumbs up from the Seamons clan. It was a lot of fun!

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