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Big Girl, Big Bed

My babies are growing up!
A few weeks ago, there were some people that were leaving our ward that were getting rid of some twin mattresses. We jumped on the idea that maybe it was time to switch the little ones to big beds. We didn't quite have plans but after a little Craigslist searching, Brett found some Bunk beds. We went and looked at them and liked them. However, they are red which one one hand is totally our family but on the other, doesn't go very well with the pink and purple room decor. Dang! Guess we'll have to redo it all. YEAH for me! Bummer for the pocketbook. I did find some fabric in the To-Do box in my Craft room. If I add a few more things to it, I think I can make 2 matching quilts. Then, when the quilts are finished-- of course, there's the pillowcases and throw pillows, and rug and curtains and wallart and flower basket-- am I leaving anything out? LOL! It will be SOO cute! Stay tuned for the finished products. Hopefully sooner than later. :) I get a little obsessed when it comes to Home-made room themes. Can you tell?
Here's Dad setting up the beds: (of course, the girls had to help)
We left the crib up becuase I was a little worried about how Glory would do. Well, she constantly surprises me with how grown-up she's getting. She slept great! She even did well for naptime. One more night- Awesome! So we took the crib down. :( BooHoo! How did that happen. No more babies at my house. Wowzers! She does look so little in that big bed:
My sweet little (BIG) girl!

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