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Best Family Vacation Ever: Itasca State Park

For the last day of our fabulous vacation, we made our way to Itasca State Park ( to see where the Mississippi River has it's humble beginning. It was only like a 40 minute drive so it was great for the kids. Actually except for the 1st initial drive- which was only 3 1/2 hours- all the rest were 2 hours or less. That made the trip ever better for the kids and the mother taking care of them. :) AND the sun began to shine as we got close to the park. So yeah for us!!! An absolutely gorgeous day, I must say!
We made our 1st stop at the Jacob V. Brower Visitor's Center. It was way hands-on kid (or grown-up kid) fun! There were displays and puzzles and stuffed animals and Firemen and poles and bears...... oh my! (Trust me--It was all Haylie! LOL) Oh, I mean dressups and listening stations. Tons and tons of things to do.
Next was the Headwaters. Over a bridge and through the woods, it's off to the headwaters we go... At the end of the trail, there's a marker that reads, "Here 1475 ft above the ocean the mighty Mississippi begins to flow on it's windin way 2552 miles to the Gulf of Mexico". Pretty amazing! We all took a little jont safely across the slippery rocks. Well, not really---first, we lost Victoria to the water. Oops! Oh and there goes Justice. Double oops! Oh and little Glory decided she wanted to do it on her own. Oops! Oh well, right? What's a little wet clothes in the grand skeem of things. Once we got over the initial crying and complaints of wet pants- we had a blast splashing and playing in the river.
This whole trip, we were really amazed at the beauty of this Earth that God has created. Truly remarkable! We got to see an eagle and a family of ducks. More of HIS amazing creation. What a great way to end the trip.
Before we headed home, we stopped in the little cafe for lunch and a Mommy-Only Stop in the gift shop. Yeah for Mommy! I found a few souvenirs along with an awesome "Sh'mores" Game! A little reminder of our vacation. Anyone up for a round of S'mores? We got it if you're up for the challenge. LOL!
Thanks to Matt & Haylie for joining us. We just adore you guys and are so glad that you're a part of our fam. We have to do it again soon. Luv ya!
And thanks to my wonderful husband for forcing his black rain cloud wife out on a very enjoyable vacation. I love you so much, Honey! Thanks for being such a patient and loving head of our household. We would be lost without you!
And last but not least to my AMAZING Heavenly Father and His magnificent creations that we are able to enjoy. Your world is just beautiful!!!
Truly- the Best Family Vacation Ever!! (or at least so far! :)

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