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Crazy Driver

One title that Mom's are often known for is the Crazy Taxi Cab Driver. Well, today- I earned that title. We signed the kids up for a couple things this Summer and they ALL started to day. Oops! So, no more 10 o'clock sleepins. Dang! Here's my crazy driving schedule for the week:
A. Get people up WAY earlier than normal.
B. Get Liberty to the Native Amercian Art Class at Westside by 8:15 am
C. Then, Justice to Cheney for Packer Basketball Camp by 9:00 am
D. Uptown to the Train Depot to sign Victoria up for Summer Playground Camp
E. Drop Victoria late to Village West Park for Summer Playground Camp that started at 9:00 am
F. Back to Cheney to watch and pick up Brother by 10 am.
G. Back to Westside by 11:15 am to pick up Liberty.
H. Over to Cudneys who luckily picked up Victoria for us since Camp's over at 11:30.
I. Back home to say hi to Dad before he took off out of town.
Whew! I'm exhausted just typing about it! Gotta love the Titles that Mom's get to carry! Luckily it's for only a week. Hopefully, I survive. LOL!

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