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Head Injury

Victoria is a magnet for anything hard and sharp that could cause injury to her head. Unfortunately, it seems like she always has been.  LOL! Well, today at Gooseberry Park for Playgroup, she kept up her reputation! She's been getting up early all week for Playground Camp so she's been a little whiny. So, when Alexa brought her to me crying, I almost rolled my eyes. (I know- rotten Mommy!) Alexa said she fell. As I took her from Alexa's arms and turned her towards me---- OH CRAP!!! There was soooo much blood! And it was still gushing. Both her little hands were completely covered along with the right side of her face. AHHHH! Kind of something you'd see on a gory horror movie. My girlfriends all came to the rescue as we poured water across her head to find the wound. It turned out to be just a little cut so I applied pressure while a couple of my friends washed my poor little girl off. It didn't take long for it to stop bleeding. Thank goodness! We put a bandaide on it and called it a day. She had a bit of a headache after that.
Back at home... a little Hydrogen Peroxide, a IBprophen, some Super glue and she's as good as new! (This is a few days later and that gunk is the glue peeling away)
Oh the joys of Injury-Prone Children!

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