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I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream

You gotta love the extras that come on DVDs these days. Justice found this recipe on a Dora DVD and wouldn't let the day past without us trying it. It turned out really fun! Yeah-- when you have all the ingredients to make your kids happy. LOVE it!
Here's in case, you'd like to try it too.
Ice Cream in Two Bags
Fun and quick summertime treat (from
• ¾ cup milk (or half and half)
• 4 tsp sugar
• ¼ tsp vanilla extract
• handful of chocolate chips, cut fruit, Hershey syrup, or candies
• ½ cup course kosher salt
• 4 cups ice cubes
• Ice cream cones (each bag makes 2 cones)
• Resealable bags: 1 quart and 1 gallon
• Heavy-duty tape
1. Combine the milk, sugar, vanilla, and flavor ingredients in the 1 quart bag, seal tightly and tape shut. Put this bag into the 1 gallon bag. Fill the bag with ice and sprinkle with salt. Seal this bag completely and tape shut.
2.  Toss bag back and forth or shake for 5 minutes (will want to wear oven mitts or gloves).
3. Cut open the large bag, remove the ice cream bag and wipe it dry. [This is important or your ice cream will taste salty- YUCK!] Snip off a corner of the bag and pipe into two ice cream cones or bowl. Top with sprinkles, nuts, or other toppings.
*Replace milk, sugar, and vanilla with pineapple, mango, or orange juice or lemonade for quick and tasty sorbet.

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