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Scandinavian Festival

My Grandpa, Karl E. Andersen was born in Kvaerndrup, Denmark in 1928. He and my Bestmor, Rayola Hodgkinson met in Norway on their missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. When they completed their missions, they both came to the United States and got married. My Grandpa died when my Mom was 16 years old in a car accident so I never had the opportunity to meet him in this life. My Bestemor did, however, do quite a few Scandinavian traditions during my childhood that made me feel somewhat connected to him. We have even tried to keep some of those traditions going in our little family. Last year, I finally learned to make Krumkaker and have plans for Berliner Kranser & Æbleskiver (eb-bull-ski-ver or A-blah-ski-wah) this year. I'm SOO excited! We also have a Smorrebrod Party (Danish open-faced Sandwich) every year with hot chocolate and candies to choose on the table. I also find it funny that I moved to a place that has Norwegian orgins. We do a lot of "Uffdas" ( and "Don't ya know?" around here. Funny how small the world seems at times.
Well, every year, the Fargo-Moorhead Hjemkomst Center (Yem-komst)
puts on a Scandinavian Festival. I decided that I would really like to go. We had a few things to get done today but I waited patiently for things to get done and then I had planned to take the three older kids with me. Turns out, it didn't sound appealing enough so it ended up being just Victoria and me. We went way later than I had planned so we missed the Genealogy part AND the Children's room wasn't the greatest but I am glad we made it over. Victoria got to make a Dala Horse picture. We got to see some dancing and heard the Boy's Choir. We also ate some Krumkaker and Æbleskiver. YUMMY!  I tried to buy a flower wreath for Victoria's hair but she declined. Dang! She looked so cute in it!
Anywho- Thanks little girlfriend for going with me!

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