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Summer Playground Camp

Fargo Parks & Rec have an awesome Summer program that we lovingly call Playground Camp! It runs all of June and July on Monday thru Thursdays from 9:00-11:30 am. And it only costs $29.50! It is a screaming deal! They have them at several of the Fargo Parks. We signed up for the Village West Park north of Walmart. Usually 2 High School students are assigned to each Park which plan activites and play with the kids while they are there. In the years past, we have enjoyed it tons and the students have done a decent job. BUT this year, the leader girls were FABULOUS!!! Lauren & Jessica were amazing! They had a weekly theme- (I know, I know, right up my alley) and did projects with them everyday! They also got to play on the playground, in the sand box and have a snack break. It was perfect!! They were always excited to see the kids and really got to know them well.
The funny thing was that I had forgot to sign Victoria up at the beginning of June and thought I probably wouldn't do it this year. Then, Allison said that Alex was going and there was only one other boy signed up. I thought "what a perfect opportunity for Victoria to spend time with her friend." So we signed up! Then, we talked to Heather Swanson and she signed up Kaitlin. THEN, I talked to our new friends, the Potters, and she signed up her boys as well. It was like the Mormons took over the camp! LOL!
Victoria usually never made it there until 9:30 or 10 but she LOVED it! And besides- after a while it was a daily ritual and everyone looked forward to Victoria's grand entrance. LOL!
Here's some of the fun she had this Summer:
Only the last day, we wanted to do something special for Jessica & Lauren because they have done such a great job. Victoria decided she wanted us to give them a treat and some flowers. We went in on it with the Swansons and Cudneys and it turned out really cute!
We bought flowers, a Mounds candy bar, some Funyuns and a gift card to DQ (at least we tried to- but don't ask-- it's a horrible memory-- just be warned--- Do NOT try to get a DQ gift card at the West Fargo Dairy Queen!!! LOL) Despite our DQ debacle, we put together gift bags and wrote them a little note that said:
You made our Summer Mounds of FUNyuns!
Thanks for helping us BLOOM!
P.S. During the Blizzard months, please know how much we appreciated you! Love,....
Then the girls all signed it! Too cute!
(Heather took a picture of the kids with their leaders on the last day with their gifts- she said she'd send it to me so I'll post it when I get it)

Also on the last day, as a parting gift from the ladies, each kid got a bag of goodies and a handwritten note from both Jessica and Lauren. They are such sweet girls! We sure are gonna miss them! Thanks ladies! You are AWESOME!
Here's the letters they wrote to Victoria:
How Sweet is that! ;)
Yeah for Playground Camp!!!

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