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Lights Out!!!!!!

TWICE!! One, two..... TWICE!!! the power shut off yesterday.
First was during the evening. Brett took Justice on a date to the new Karate Kid (guy date, way overdue) so the girls and I were on our own. No big deal, right? Unless... a storm comes in and wipes power out from 6:30 to 10:30. ARRRGH! We were a little worried about the Sump Pump (with the storm dumping rain over our home) but I kept an eye on it and was prepared to figure out how to hook the generator up to the house if I needed to. (That's usually something Brett does so I never have worried to pay really close attention- oops!) We played Chutes and Ladders, took a candlelight bath and put together a puzzle. It was actually kind of fun until it was time to go to bed. I definitely need more emergency night lights at my house and need to train my kids to go to bed in silence. LOL! When Brett got home at 9:30, we plugged the house in and tried to get the kids settled for bed. Whew! I LOVE that genereator except for how loud it is. If we close all our windows, you can't hear it much so if you don't mind ticking off neighbors-it's pretty awesome!
We switched off the generator at around 10:30 when the real power came back on. What a long evening! Poweroutage over, we headed for bed.
A cry came from the little girls room about 5 am. Usually that means my 4 year old needs to use the bathroom and is not coherent enough to get off the top bunk to get to the bathroom. So I trudged out of bed- soon realizing that it was pitch black... AGAIN!!! I pulled the emergency nightlight back into her room and settled her down. Then, I made the call to the power company. Their automated system let me know it would be back on by 6:20 am or they would call me. Decisions, decisions! Do we hook the generator back up or wait? We checked the sump pump and decided we'd give it a half an hour and see how fast the hole started filling up. We waited and waited and ...I hate it when you get woke up and then just lay there with your eyes closed pretending that you are relaxed and getting some rest. ARRRGH again! After our decided waiting time, the phone rang. They changed the powerup time for 8 something. Decision made, we plugged the house back in and went back to bed.
We all woke up after 9 am to the power back on. Oops! What a long lightless night!!! Makes me grateful for modern conveniences-- well, when they work! ;)

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