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Dutch Oven: Take Two

We Love to Dutch Oven!!! The food is so yummy, you get to hang out & cook with friends and the MEN do most of the cooking! I LOVE it! We plan on doing several this Summer so we hosted the Dutch Oven: Take Two 2010. As always, yummy!!! This time Mother Nature saved her traditional dutch oven rain for after the partay (I mean like RIGHT after the Partay!;) but she sure turned up the heat for us. Hottest day of the year! Thanks a lot! FOUR fans outside and 7 pitchers of Lemonade coming right at ya and you still felt like you might die. Gotta love that Mother Nature is always our party crasher!
We had a really good turnout. We are always looking for new recruits to Dutch Oven with us! Anyone up for the challange is always welcome. Once you do the dutch oven cookin' with us (I mean- buy one and actually cook in it. LOL)- you're in! This time, Matt thought he'd bring a salad-- WHAT???? We, of course, had to tease him. HELLO!! That's like eating a hamburger at a Fish Fry. Was' up with that?  He ended up doing fried chicken and at least served it in his dutch oven. LOL! It was a huge hit and delicious! This time, we gave up our fall-back recipe and tried Pot Roast and veggies. The Potters did Dutch Oven Potatoes. The Zs did Chicken Enchilada Casserole and Funeral Potatoes. The Eriksons made a Peach Pineapple Cobbler. (They are first timers- AWESOME! So glad you came) We also made a Sh'more {That's better than s'mores} cake. All of it was delish!!! Thanks everybody for coming!
Luckily, we planned somewhat for the heat. There was lots of water fun for the kids. Sprinkler under the tramp, hoolahoops and water guns! Hurray!!!
Then, never forget the Zipline! Everyone LOVES the Zipline! Maybe when we grow up we'll have one for the adults as well. :) Dang! that my camera wasn't fast enough cuz I just LOVE the ones of Dawson and Sam. Too funny! The dare-devil games they come up with crack me up! Gotta LOVE boys! I also think Maggie went on it at least 100 times. Your toy is definitely a hit, Brett. Danger Ranger but a hit nonetheless.
We also brought out the Tepee AND the Indian & Cowboy box. It was used way more than I thought it would be. My favorites were Liberty is the chaps over her swimsuit especially the view from the back LOL! and squeezing (literally) Sam into the Indian costume that was like 2 sizes too small. So fun! I'm so glad it got some use since my kids grew up way too fast. It took forever to make all that stuff and it hasn't got it's fair share of use. All the kids were creative and played with it all night.
Some also took adavntage of Brett's Hamaca. (Hammock in Spanish) Brett loves it when I'm wrong about his toys. [Well, at least my "whatever" (insert eye-roll here) attitude when he buys them until everyone loves them. Well... I was wrong again, Honey! Everyone LOVES your hamaca. You're the MAN!!!
Because the 4th falls on Sunday this year, the ENTIRE weekend is turning into one continous Americana Celebration! And what's the 4th without Fireworks? We have quite a few Pyros & Pyros-in-Training on our hands. LOL! Ryan (one of the Pyros), McKenzie and Sophie joined us for fireworks after their date. [Their family is joining our Babysitting Group and so their girls joined us at the beginning and they came at the end] Most everyone loved the FIRE and noise! We did  scared of the Zs and Dawson off but everyone else seemed to enjoy them.
We also had the priviledge of a special Musical Performance slash Dance Extravaganza. It was AMAZING!!! Nothing like turning up the car speakers and jammin' in the driveway. What great memories!
Hurray for the Dutch Oven Partay and great friends! Let's do it again soon!

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