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Red Hawks Game

Family Home Evening at it's finest!
The Hoffmans invited us to a Red Hawks game tonight for free! Thanks to the Sunmart/Red Hawk Red-Hot Ticket Giveaway! {Just head over to the Box Office at Newman Outdoor Field and bring your Sunmart receipt for $25 or more. (You have to pick up tickets before the game starts) They'll give you 2 FREE General Admission Tickets to a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday regular season game!} Yeah for FREE! (or "yah, right- it's free!"-- We totally made up for the price of the tickets in concessions- go figure! LOL! And not because things were too expensive-- just simply by pure quantities ;) We had a lot of fun though! Glory's favorite part was the Red Hawk Mascot! She could spot him from across the field! :)

We ate and ate and ate and ate- like the whole time! Too funny! They had a great deal for a hot dog dinner. It ain't a baseball game without a hot dog, right? Then, we followed that up with cotton candy and dippin' dots and oreo mini cookies and licorice and....... OK maybe that was it BUT it was a lot! Will the kids every be able to go to bed tonight? We'll hope so! LOL!
They had a free Red Hawk Bouncer set up for the kids. They loved it! They stood in line several times for turns! Justice and Ian were hilarious. Right before their turn, they would lay on the entrance and pretend to shoot the "turkey"! Funny boys! We so need one of these at our Partay house! Maybe someday, right?
We also had some other Red Hawk Fun! 1)Liberty enjoyed Ben's ipod for quite a while. Thanks alot Ben! LOL! Now she's gonna be begging for one of her own! ;) 2)We got to thank the local weather man, Hutch Johnson, in person, for the cloud that finally came across the sky to shade us from the HOT sun AND watch him catch a flying Red Hawk T-shirt. (He was there with his kids on the same bench as us!) 3)The kids got to play on the playground for a bit. 4)The little girls played in the sand as Andrew ran through it. He thought it was tickly on his feet. Silly kids! 5)AND oh yah- we watched the ball game! That's why we went, right? Well... it was a bonus, I guess!
We wanted to stay until we could all sing the famous 7th inning stretch song. The kids were playing on the playground during the 6th inning. Can you tell they were SO into the game? LOL! Amber and I kept telling the Dads to go get the kids but do they listen? NO! They finally went to go get them halfway through the 7th inning and they all missed the song. LOL! Oops! Glory & I enjoyed it though! She is so funny when it comes to singing. She's very animated in her lips as she sings. It's hillarious! Cute girl. We luv ya!
Take me out to the ball game
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack
I don't care if I never get back
So it's root, root, root for the home team
If they don't win it's a shame
For it's one, two, three strikes you're out
At the old ball game
Thanks Hoffmans for a fabulous evening! Lots of fun!
Go Red Hawks!

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