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4th of July Partay on the 5th

The Partay NEVER stops at the Seamons house. LOL!  We decided to throw a BIG 4th of July on the 5th Partay! It was a lot of fun! At least we thought so :) I LOVE dinners where everyone brings something and you end up eating like Royalty. Everything was amazing and so delicious! Brett & I had our favorite, of course! Alexa made a flag cake! SO AWESOME!!!! (She even teased me that she asked her Mom if she thought it would make it on the blog! Oh YEAH!!! Look how awesome this thing is!! Way to go lady!) We had hamburger, hot dogs, all the fixings, fruit, veggies, chips & salsa, and all kinds of desserts. I LOVE food! YUMMMMY!
We're so lucky to have such great friends here in Fargo. Our Partay Guests for today included our neighbor- Andrew; the Hoffmans; the Larsens; the Ironroads; the Mausolfs & Jen's Dad; Rob Neuteboom (Jen's in Utah this week); the Parkers; the Potters; the Ransoms & their friend; the Roberts; the Tuckers, and the Seamons (hey we count! LOL!). Thanks everybody for coming! We just luv you!
Today was a Par-Tay to remember, for sure- at least for anyone that was in a swimsuit! The Potters let us borrow their blowup waterslide. It was such a blast! {Thanks guys! You're the greatest! You are always welcome to our grass anytime you'd like to use it! ;)}
We also had LOTS of other Waterfun! We had waterguns, a kiddie pool, the big pool/hot tub, the water table, the tramp, and the zipline. I LOVE that the weather has been good enough to enjoy some water! Yeah for Summer 2010!
After a little cleanup, a group of us headed for the Fairgrounds. Brett decided to bring over the GoKart for anyone who'd like to ride/drive it. We still get teased about calling it a "Go-Kart" but we bought it at Go-Kart USA so that's what it will always be to us! LOL! It's always fun to see grown men instantly become kids again. Another of Brett's toys that turned out perfect!
After a change of locations (gotta love fairground managers! ;) we had an awesome 2 hour firework show brought to you by the Larsen/Seamons Men! I wasn't sure they were ever gonna end! LOL! AND I think we still came home with stuff. Gotta love their enthusiasm, right? OR be very scared of their pyro-ism! Either way, it was very patriotic!
Lucky for us (Overstatement of the Year), our Firework Viewing Area must have been a mosquito nest because I'm sure we all left with hundreds of bites. OUCH!! We tried to smoke them out and probably just bought the makers of OFF Spray a new car but nothing worked for long! The kids had a blast though! They tailgated, took turns lighting off fireworks, swung sparkers near each others heads, tried to light the grass on fire, let off smoke bombs and ran around crazy until 11:00 PM. That's any kid's idea of an awesome 4th, right? It was a very long weekend, with lots of late nights. But you gotta love it! Thanks to all our friends who stuck it out to watch with us! I have Calamine Lotion people can borrow! LOL!
Happy 4th on the 5th Everybody!
Happy Birthday America!

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