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Chahinkapa Zoo

The weather was great so a few of us headed south for a SHORT trip to the Chahinkapa Zoo LOL!- Short?, Yah, right! {Oops! My memory of our last year's Zoo trip must have failed me. I told the ladies it was like 30 minutes. Well.... more like an hour. I'm serious...The whole town of Wahpeton must have moved South since last year. ;) LOL! Sorry ladies!}
It was a great day and we had lots of fun! Chahinkapa has a good avriety of animals and lots of shade.
One of the favorite things was collecting feathers. The coveted ones were the ones from the crying peacocks. My favorite was when... Liberty found a huge peacock tail feather and everyone wanted to hold it. Finally, Lily put her hand on her hip and said, "Liberty since you ARE my best friend..." I had to giggle. I guess best friend statis comes with specials rights. LOL! The feathers were very pretty though!
The kids favorite I would have to say was the Raspberry Patch. In the back of the zoo by the Mountain Goats, there is a large raspberry patch along the path. It was hilarious to watch all the kids eat every single red object they could find. We had to laugh because by this time it was getting to be lunchtime (we had several whiny kids complaining that they were starving ;) so a few of the kids said- "Well at least this is something to eat!" Just love what kids say! LOL!
Other fun at the Zoo:
What a great day out with the Mom. These kids are very lucky! I am so grateful I get to be a stay-at-home Mom. I try not to take that for granted and I hope my kids don't either. (I don't know where Bonny was when we were taking these pictures. We'll have to get one of her fam next time! ;)
After the Zoo, we went to the Park for lunch. They have 2 great playgrounds but did the kids use them? Not really. Instead they chose to become Human Skateboards. I love the creativity! So fun!
Thanks for joining us at the Zoo, ladies & kids. I promise I'll get us to a couple of zoos this year to make our passes worth it! LOL! Dang Red River! Maybe Wahpeton will move closer. LOL!

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