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Happy Birthday Boys!

Ryan and Jamison both have birthdays this month. Happy BDay boys! Hope all your dreams come true this year! ;) McKenzie & Heidi decided to throw a joint Partay for them tonight. It seems like forever since we've all got together and it was great to get out of the house for a bit. Food at the Larsens is always fabulous!!!! So good! Seriously- we've been eating "sick" food for weeks. I was in heaven tonight!
After dinner, we played a couple of fun partay games. First-- we played a very violent and abusive but tons of FUN round or two of "The Wind is Blowing..." Too funny! It was comical and some pretty good exercise, to say the least. I seriously have a very large bruise on my right arm. Ouch! Thanks a lot, Kenzie! ;0) Also- I'm pretty sure that Dave has a few of his own. Sorry 'bout, man but you WERE trying to take my seat!! LOL. We learned lots about conserving water and things we didn't want to know about the Bishopric. LOL!
Next, we played the Newlywed game. Oh so funny and.... not so funny! ;) Oh the joys of men and women and their ideas. Some things we think of our spouse are better left unsaid. LOL! Good things we were among friends!
Thanks gals & guys for fun memories and
getting us out of the house!
{Disclaimer: January Fargo Winter Blues has hit me hard so I didn't take my camera so there's no physical proof (besides a few bruises) of what gorgeous people we hung out with or how hilarious the games were but trust me- we had a grand time}

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