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January Oasis

I know...Two words not normally associated with one another. But in this case, the definition of oasis works perfectly. :Something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, difficult, etc. The "something" being an extra Relief Society Meeting on Nutrition, Beating the Winter Blues and Yoga. The "usual, annoying, difficult, etc." part being the freakin' COLD, some bad Winter Blues and NO energy from staying in bed all day (a bit of an oxymoron of its own, I know).
I went to the RS Meeting kicking and screaming- well not really because that would require energy but- I decided to go even though I really felt crawling back into bed sounded much nicer. Soooo glad I dragged my butt out of my PJs and went! They had a lite meal and I got to sit and visit with some of my good friends. A good laugh or two can always help a bad attitude! Then, they had 3 guest speakers.
The first talked about Nutrition and Good Mood Foods. I'd never really thought about the fact that eating certain foods could lift your spirits. Dang! Who knew?  
Next, we had someone talk about S.A.D. (Seasonal affective disorder)- commonly know as the Winter Blues- what it is, the symptoms, the treatments, etc. She had lots of great info. Some of which I feel I have really struggled with this January. Like:
* difficulty waking up in the morning
* tendency to oversleep
* a lack of energy
* difficulty concentrating on completing tasks
* withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities.
"...All of this leads to the depression, pessimistic feelings of hopelessness, and lack of pleasure."
Crap! Well, the first step is admitting it, right? She sparked my interest in finding out more about it so I finally bought a book and a SAD light for therapy. They should be in the mail soon. We'll see if it can help me.

Lastly but not the least by any means, they had a Yoga teacher come. It was so much fun!!! I love the music, the stretching, the poses, the quietness, the balance! I am going to buy me a yoga mat for sure AND I so need to find a Yoga class. Want to join me? LOL!
Well, when you think your all alone and no one understands---thank goodness for my Relief Society Sisters and the January Oasis they provide for a bahuber like me! ;) Here's hoping that I can restore a bit of balance back into my life. Thanks for the kick in the butt, ladies!

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