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You know it's "Fargo" cold when....

My friend, Kara had this on her blog. Oh my gosh! So true! LOL!

Top 10 ways you know when it is "Fargo" COLD.
10. Snow crunches when you walk or drive on it. (It's like scratching a chalkboard, people!)
9. The temperature is described as bitterly cold. (understatement of the year)
8. The bottoms of your shoes are hard because they are frozen.
7. Everyone (including the young testosterone-filled males) is dressed like Eskimos including coats, hats, scarfs, boots and gloves.
6. It is considered too cold for the children to go outside for recess. {For the record- school policy in Fargo is they will go out until it is Negative 15 degrees outside}
5. As the car warms up (IF it even starts without plugging it in for the night) you hear metal clunking sounds from the metal thawing.
4. You get raccoon eyes when coming inside because the ice on your eyelashes is melting.
3. Your hair breaks off when you brush it out of your face because it is frozen solid.
2. You see a man who normally has no facial hair with a white mustache made of  icicles while he is shoveling the sidewalk.
1. You realize that your breath is causing icicles to form on your eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the little hairs on your face and the zipper on the front of your coat is frozen from your breath (not to mention frozen nose hairs-- those are NOT fun!)
Welcome to Fargo!
{I just picked up the kids from school and have a few to add- LOL! :
*Those who step outside when the wind blows all feel as if they are having an asthma attack.
*You get frostbite on your fingers (even with gloves on) just from unlocking your car.
*You have to stick the front of your car halfway in the road just to see around the snow bank at the end of your driveway or the next road.
*Driving down a neighborhood street feels like being on a roller coaster. (even after the snowplow has been down it several times)

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