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Fargo Favorites #17

A Fargo Winter-Blues version of:
1. My Pillow
I am aware that it's not necessarily a good thing in a Fargo January to LOVE your pillow but nonetheless- I am in love with it! It's a package deal with my 2-sided memory foam pillow, my king-sized bed and a warm blanket. I'm trying to figure out how to break my infatuation but Wowzers! With Negative 3 as a high without the windchill-  I'm finding it hard to think of anything so appealing! LOL!

2. Church
Due to a combined holiday Sacrament Meeting, then bad weather, and then family sickness- I had not been to all 3 hours of Church in 3 weeks. That is a very LONG time! I missed the uplift, the friends and the Spirit. Thanks goodness I made it back this week.

3. Sunshine, Blessed Sunshine
Sometimes, the Fargo winter sky is really depressing! Cloud cover as thick as the snow piles in my front yard makes seeing the sunshine well... impossible! But yesterday (although my pillow infatuation won most of the day) I was blinded by the radiant sunshine pouring over our little town. Thanks to a Heavenly Father who knew I really needed that this week!

4. Good babies
I know they aren't babies anymore (and this is a really old picture). But HolyMoly- they are such fantastic kids! They play so well together, are willing to help around the house whenever I need them and are just enough of a couple couch potatoes to survive a Fargo Winter and their mother!

5. KBro
A great big hug to my favorite KBro- for talking, understanding and suffering through a bit of Fargo Winter Blues with me! Thanks for giving me reasons to get out of bed and for being such a great friend! Luv ya lady!

6. Change
One thing that you can always count on is CHANGE, right?!
Well it has a double meaning here this week because for 
1. I usually only do 5 things but no one said it has to be that way. And I am in charge here so- you get 6 this week! Ha!
and 2. Nothing ever stays the same forever. Thank goodness! A couple more weeks and mean Mother Nature may lift her freeze and maybe my spirits. Here's to hoping!

[Disclaimer: This post WILL be funny I'm sure in a month or two so you can come back then and have a good laugh with me. I'll make T-shirts that say "I Survived a Fargo Winter!" for anyone who wants one!]

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